Syria is now a failed state

Graphic footage of men, women, and children being butchered by the CIA-funded human animals in Syria are now floating around the webosphere. This outcome has been predicted the moment our government involved itself in the Syrian “civil war”, which has been an astroturfed effort to topple Bashar Al-Assad, a goal finally realized last year when he fled his kingdom for safe haven in Russia with his family. Syria, a true cradle of civilization, has been checked off the list that also contained Saddam, Ghaddafi, and others. Syria is now ruled by extremist terrorists cruising around in Toyota pickups

The Middle East was better off with Saddam, Ghaddafi, and Assad. In an alternate universe, I can easily picture Trump sitting at a table in the White House with all three, shaking hands and smiling, and working to keep their respective nations stable, albeit imperfect. We call them dictators, but they were royalty. And despite their imperfections, they kept their nations intact, and kept the terrorist punks in line. Kingdoms are grown over centuries, but once wiped out, almost never reappear. Royalty requires deep roots, and decades or centuries of growth, but the United States, in its ignorant zeal to see would-be enemies cut down like ignorant, greed-blinded loggers felling Sequoias, extinguished these exquisite and effective monarchies. Societal wildfires now burn unhindered in these nations, and now only the strongest and most brutal of dictators would have a chance at reclaiming these nations. Which means it probably will never happen.

Romania arrests, bans nationalist Presidential front-runner from ballot

Calin Georgescu, Romanian politician, populist, nationalist, and inoperable hemorrhoid in the arse of the neoliberal, globalist elite who puppeteer that Eastern European nation, has been kicked off the Presidential ballot by a corrupt judge. This comes shortly after he was arrested on the streets of Bucharest for trumped up charges surrounding his campaign. Romania cancelled the Presidential election in December, citing vague “Russian interference” as the reason, but we all know the real reason: a populist, nationalist candidate was set to win their highest office. Romania is a NATO member, also a member of the European Union, and both organizations appear desperate to stamp out populist uprisings lest they work to reign in the neoliberal designs for their respective nations. How much longer can this go on without igniting a full-blown revolution in these nations? Democracy means nothing to these elites, something they only pay lip service to, and only when the electoral outcome goes in their favor. Open borders, open economy, a pre-packaged IKEA puppet government is apparently the only one the people are allowed to vote for.

Ian Carroll on Rogan

Great conversation between researcher Ian Carroll and Rogan. So many memory-holed topics covered. We’re reaching critical mass in the red-pill awakening in regards to our “greatest ally” Israel.

Pam Bondi risks taking the Trump honeymoon into divorce proceedings

Pam Bondi is far and away the worst Trump pick on his Golden Age agenda, and I’m beginning to think it’s finally dawning on him. She’s been terrible so far, but it’s her flippant lies surrounding the release of the Epstein documents that reveals her character. Initially she said the docs were on her desk. Then she masterminded the retarded PR “Epstein binders” release, where B-list influencers were seen on Capitol hill holding up the silly folders that revealed nothing new. Then she said that a “truckload” of Epstein documents were delivered to her last Friday. Really, a truck brought them? Pics of the truck, maybe? No? The truck doesn’t exist, and she knows it. So…why lie about it? Offhand, casual lies like this cause eyebrows to raise, at best. At worst, the engender a total lack of faith in the person spouting them. Bondi is not merely just a non-MAGA attorney who weaseled her way into power, she is totally classless, and has no being in the position of AG. She’ll derail the Golden Age that Trump and his true believers are desperately attempting to enact while the iron is still hot. But this bimbo threatens the superstructure itself, she’s the weak link that will topple the entire movement.

My prediction is that she’ll be forced out, only to write a dumbass “tell-all” about her time as AG. Once scorned, she’ll passive aggressively work to undermine Trump in nefarious ways up until that moment, and even after.

The best video on the JFK assassination currently on the internet

JFK researchers long ago burned me out with their “the CIA did it!, and…and…Lyndon Johnson was in on it too!” But the facts surrounding the assassination go far deeper than I ever realized, thanks to Corey Hughes’ appearance on Jake Shields podcast. It’s got everything: Oswald body doubles, Purim rituals on the grassy knoll, the Israeli connection, the unknown history of the Jewish mob in America, and much more.

Anti-apocalypse politics

Those of us who’d rather avoid World War 3 and the very real possibility of nuclear apocalypse received a heroin-grade dose of catharsis via the dressing down Zelensky received last Friday by Trump and Vance. Zelensky: war pig, midget tyrant, ingrate, favored butt-buddy of the neoliberal elite, a diminutive little bitch who seems perfectly at peace with sending his countrymen to an unending abattoir of his own making, a weasel of a man, perfectly at peace with war, but making constant war against the prospect of peace, and Trump/Vance finally had enough, and called him on it to his face. The unmitigated gall of this little freak, interrupting his betters like a spoiled brat, while demanding his allowance to continue unabated. Trump should’ve had him carried out bodily, forcing him hitch hike back to the tarmac. Instead, he was rightly berated, and kicked out. The globalist thugs rallied to defend their proxy war chief: the UK, France, and other insignificant nations when it comes to national defense, vowed eternal support for their leprechaun votive.

Politics, in this era, is less ‘right v. left’ and more ‘armageddon vs not’. The temperature is high, the mercury has long ago blown the glass out, and Trump is desperate in his attempts to avert what would have been an inevitability had that other airhead won the highest office in the world. Imagine a Kamala Presidency. Imagine a meeting between Kamala and Zelensky. It would go even worse that the ones between him and Biden. Can you picture Kamala’s ignorant cackle echoing, as Zelensky winces and smiles, knowing he’ll get his weapons and blank check. Kamala would have ignited a nuclear conflict. Think about it for a moment, and you know it to be true. She would’ve given him everything, another million would die, and NATO would be pushed to the brink to intervene. The continent-wide dust cloud would explode, and the worms would be out of the can.

Thanks to Trump, this future has been averted. Trump knows he has to negotiate with the man holding the nukes, he knows that is the only path to end the war. Putin will keep the territory he’s taken, the territory that has been fighting for a decade to join Russia anyway. Zelensky will probably eventually dine on polonium-laced lobster bisque, as so many of Putin’s other enemies have in the past, he will be forgotten in a week, and the US can get back to handling her own problems.

Averting the end of the world isn’t pretty, the choices seem ugly, but are necessary. We should be thankful we now have leaders with the spine to make them.

France’s Macron and UK’s Starmer rush to DC to beg Trump not to abandon Ukraine

This isn’t going to go like they want it to. I truly hope Trump asks them how many more hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians should die for this lost cause, and then tell them where to stick it.

The UK and France are not true allies of our exquisite, transcendent, newly reborn America. They hate their own native populations, have enacted oppressive legislation to punish and imprison their countrymen for speaking their minds, and greased the skids for their eventual destruction. We don’t owe them the time of day. Trump and Putin will meet alone to end the conflict, and the conflict will simply come to an end. Russia will claim the pro-Russian eastern territories, the same ones who have been mercilessly brutalized by the illegitimate Ukrainian regime since 2014. Ukraine will not be allowed into NATO. Zelensky will resign, and will surely go into hiding, and may very well wind up in a Siberian labor camp for the rest of his miserable life.