Syria is now a failed state
Graphic footage of men, women, and children being butchered by the CIA-funded human animals in Syria are now floating around the webosphere. This outcome has been predicted the moment our government involved itself in the Syrian “civil war”, which has been an astroturfed effort to topple Bashar Al-Assad, a goal finally realized last year when he fled his kingdom for safe haven in Russia with his family. Syria, a true cradle of civilization, has been checked off the list that also contained Saddam, Ghaddafi, and others. Syria is now ruled by extremist terrorists cruising around in Toyota pickups
The Middle East was better off with Saddam, Ghaddafi, and Assad. In an alternate universe, I can easily picture Trump sitting at a table in the White House with all three, shaking hands and smiling, and working to keep their respective nations stable, albeit imperfect. We call them dictators, but they were royalty. And despite their imperfections, they kept their nations intact, and kept the terrorist punks in line. Kingdoms are grown over centuries, but once wiped out, almost never reappear. Royalty requires deep roots, and decades or centuries of growth, but the United States, in its ignorant zeal to see would-be enemies cut down like ignorant, greed-blinded loggers felling Sequoias, extinguished these exquisite and effective monarchies. Societal wildfires now burn unhindered in these nations, and now only the strongest and most brutal of dictators would have a chance at reclaiming these nations. Which means it probably will never happen.