Israel behaves like Mexican cartels

News out of Mexico is an uninterrupted flow of news about mayors gunned down or beheaded days after assuming office, activists dismembered and found in barrels, entire towns slaughtered and dumped in mass graves, vast infiltration of US cities and states, et cetera. We regard this as nightmarish, a great evil perpetuated by the most evil organizations imaginable and who we’d never want to encounter. It’s safe to say that all Americans are grateful for where they live, far removed from such nihilistic carnage. And yet, isn’t there another nation with whom our government and institutions are deeply involved with that behaves in exactly the same manner? Israel behaves exactly like the Mexican drug cartels, and yet they are held up as God’s chosen people for whom we must sacrifice our stability in order to save, again and again. The cognitive dissonance is mind-rending, but it’s true. Israel relishes the carnage they’ve unleashed on the captive population in Gaza, burning them alive, murdering entire families, sniping children and anyone holding a white flag, raping prisoners, and generally adhering to a military doctrine of total, inescapable terror. But most of us don’t view them as an identical evil to that of the cartels. Instead, we fund them, arm them, allow their spies to infiltrate every level of political power in the US, and wait on their beck and call for whatever they may need. How is this possible? Because Israel, and pro-Israel institutions, fund a vast army of writers and pseudo-intellectuals, a pundit army that acts as the intellectual bodyguard, running cover for their atrocities. But can they continue to do so when so much amateur footage makes the rounds online? The internet will be the death of Israel, because no amount of vile punditry can cover for the close-up footage of innocents burning alive, or the images of headless or delimbed children. The tide truly is turning against this ethnostate. Maybe soon we’ll view them with the same horror that we view the cartels.

IDF rapist is a media star in Israel

What in the inbred hell am I looking at here? Seriously. This mug tells a story, and its not a good one. Is this really a distinct ethnicity, or is this the product of past inbreeding? We know the answer. You would not be friends with this person, you would stay far away. Something within you would override whatever dominant cultural norms exist and you would mentally exile this person from your life. It’s not racism, because these traits materialize in all other races as well. Something bad happened in this person’s ancestry, and, well, there it is.

Remembering what US-funded Israel has done since October 7th, 2023

The Israeli army, with full backing by their political class and much of their population, has killed over 100,000 captive civilians in the open air concentration camp in Gaza. They killed most of their own people on October 7th, 2023, through the indiscriminate bombing of everything that moved when it was realized that Hamas had invaded. They are now in the process of killing tens of thousands of civilians in Lebanon, and show no sign of stopping. And Lebanon appears not to be able to retaliate in any significant way. Over the next few months, we’ll see news stories of ancient structures in Lebanon totally destroyed by the IDF as they draw out their bombing campaign. I was wrong about the region’s ability to retaliate, which seems to prove that Israel has no real enemies in the Middle East. They themselves are the implacable enemy of everyone within range. Assassinations will continue, bombings will continue, US weapons and money will continue to flow, as Israel racks up a body count that closes in on half a million innocent dead. They kill for the sake of killing, its an end unto itself for them. It seems almost too late for the region to respond now, even though a single severe retaliatory strike after every Israeli bombing campaign might have deterred Israel from continuing its spree. Escalation in order to achieve de-escalation should have been the strategy from Hezbollah, Iran, and Syria. They appear to believe that if they do nothing, Israel will stop. Do they regret their decision not to inflict a severe blow, knowing what they know now?

British gov’t found spying devices after Netanyahu visit

Enemy of the West. Also something repulsive and uncivilized about this behavior. The same gut reaction when you see a nice person who was found guilty of poisoning their neighbor’s cat.