“How the U.S. Fuels the Drug War”

From the RealNewsNetwork.  If certain drugs are criminalized, only criminals will buy and sell those drugs.  As Prohibition is enforced, only the most dangerous of criminal gangs will have the firepower to continue distribution of their product.  This is the chief justification for the American Police State, which needs the black market crime wave to justify police militarization and the crushing of rights.  An interesting though experiment should be this: how much crime would exist were it not for the War on Drugs?

Police have a wonderful way to track your cell phone…

…called a Stingray.  Your phone thinks this device is a cell tower, so it links up with it.  Once linked, the police can intercept your phone’s location, serial number, and other private information you would rather them not have access to.  Oh, and they get this devices from the FBI, who require that the police first sign a non-disclosure agreement about the Stingray’s existence or use.  They can’t even reveal the existence of a Stingray to a judge, without the FBI’s prior permission.  I doubt the cops are complaining too much about that aspect.

This Police State tech was sold as a means of tracking terrorism suspects, but since there’s not much terrorism happening at all in the US, the cops use their Stingray to track ordinary criminals, and possibly non-criminals.

The ACLU has an illuminating graph on the known police departments currently using Stingray tech, but it probably dramatically underrepresents their use, given the secrecy surrounding the acquisition and use by departments of this spy tech.

Rand Paul drops out of Presidential race

No one to blame for his dismal showing except himself.  Pandering to the GOP establishment while simultaneously selling himself as rightful heir to the liberty vote and his father’s R3volution was a recipe for failure.  He said he failed to “ignite the brushfires of liberty”, but should he really be surprised?  The Neocon chicken hawks never liked him to begin with, his last name being ‘Paul’, and his attempt to court those same chicken hawks proved, in the eyes of many liberty activists, that Rand didn’t have the courage to stand for liberty on principle, and was too much of an opportunist for their taste.

Ron’s supporters went to barricades for him because he had the guts to stand alone.

Is hating each other really more fun than…

…hating the government?  This election season seems to prove it.  It’s sad to see how easily people let themselves be divided up into opposing groups, classes, races, nationalities, et cetera, and then pitted against each other.  The politician seeking to inflame your fear of some “outside” threat is the principal threat to your well being.