Camille Paglia on that “mummified fascist”, Gloria Steinem…

From Salon:

“Despite emergency efforts by Gloria Steinem, the crafty dowager empress of feminism, to push a faltering Hillary over the finish line, Sanders overwhelmingly won women’s votes in every category except senior citizens. Last week, when she told TV host Bill Maher that young women supporting the Sanders campaign are just in it to meet boys, Steinem managed not only to insult the intelligence and idealism of the young but to vaporize every lesbian Sanders fan into a spectral non-person.

Steinem’s polished humanitarian mask had slipped, revealing the mummified fascist within. I’m sure that my delight was shared by other dissident feminists everywhere. Never before has the general public, here or abroad, more clearly seen the arrogance and amoral manipulativeness of the power elite who hijacked and stunted second-wave feminism.”

Paglia calls out Progenitor-of-Iraqi-Apocalypse Madeleine Albright as well:

“The next day, Hillary was accompanied on the campaign trail by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (a Bill Clinton appointee), who proclaimed, to Hillary’s laughter and applause, “There’s a special place in Hell for women who don’t help other women.” Waspishly policing the earth was evidently insufficient for the feminist politburo, who are now barging into the salvation and damnation game.”

She ends with this:

“Steinem and the leaders of the National Organization for Women allowed their own partisan agenda to distort the true universality of feminism. They became backstage secret agents for the Democratic party. Steinem was caught in blatant hypocrisy when she gave Bill Clinton a free pass for his gross violation of fundamental sexual harassment principles in inducing a young intern, Monica Lewinsky, to service him in the offices of the White House.

The revolt of pro-sex feminists against the feminist establishment began with lipstick lesbians in San Francisco in the late 1980s and spread nationwide by the 1990s. I came into open conflict with feminist leaders after my first book, Sexual Personae, which had been rejected by seven publishers, was released by Yale University Press in 1990. Steinem, who obviously hadn’t bothered to read it, compared that 700-page tome about literature and art to Hitler’s Mein Kampf and said of me, “Her calling herself a feminist is sort of like a Nazi saying they’re not anti-Semitic.” That’s the way the feminist establishment worked—the automatic big smear.

For nearly 25 years, Hillary Clinton, with her simmering subtext of contemptuous bitterness about men, has been pushed along and protected by a host of powerful women journalists in print and TV, Steinem chums or sympathizers who have a lot to answer for. Charmed by Hillary in their exclusive dinners and private chitchats, they encouraged her presidential ambitions. But after two national campaigns, it should be obvious that Hillary has no natural instinct or facility for understanding and communicating with the public on the scale that the presidency demands. Sexism has nothing to do with it.”

Sanders’ New Hampshire win put the fear of God in Hillary camp…

From The Hill:

“In what now seems a mandatory part of any Clinton campaign, panic has set in. Tied in the Iowa caucuses and decimated in the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s presidential juggernaut has once again veered into a ditch, just like it did eight years ago. 

Even before the votes were totaled in Bernie Sanders’s historic New Hampshire landslide Tuesday night, reports leaked of staff shake-ups and new advisers to bigfoot and “layer over” those with whom the Clintons have lost confidence. Friends say the message is her problem — strange for someone who has arguably been running for president since 2005. Others worry she cannot overcome her inaccessibility as a candidate, while still others fear her email scandal will ultimately doom her with voters.”

It can’t help that feminist dinosaurs are dragged into the spotlight to shame women into voting for her, either.

Drug-sniffing dogs are right less than half the time, so why do courts still consider them “reliable”?

From techdirt.  For all the high-flying rhetoric over the necessity of drug dogs, they only seem to be good for giving a cop an excuse to search a car.  These dogs will “alert” whenever they receive a subtle command from the officer, so if a cop wants to search a car, he can covertly instruct the dog to pick up on something, even if nothing is there.  The dogs are basically useless in reliably sniffing out anything, and when lives are truly on the line, most people would rather use rats.

Federal parasites forced to give back money they seized, along with interest and legal expenses

Interesting story at Reason.  Through the barbaric practice of civil asset forfeiture, Federal agents took $107,000 from Lyndon McLellan, a convenience store owner for the non-crime of making “suspiciously small deposits” at his bank.  Well, he lawyered up and fought back, and eventually won back all his money.  Not only that, but now he will be reimbursed for legal expenses, as well as the interest that the stolen money could have earned had it not been seized.  Unsurprisingly, a federal prosecutor attempted to intimidate McLellan into not exposing the official criminality he had been subjected to, while offering to give back only half of the money taken.  While he did get his money back, take a moment to reflect on the deep-rooted evil that has taken hold to the point that a federal prosecutor, who knows that this man is innocent, would offer only half that man’s money back?