Month: February 2016
There is finally a Party of Liberty in Oklahoma!
Well, the OK Libertarian Party has been here for awhile, but now it will be on the ballot!
What will come after the Obamacare death spiral?
The health insurance exchanges set up to deliver Obamacare are dropping like flies, it’s only a matter of time before the Political Class begins Plan B. What could that be? The real answer would be to abolish Obamacare and replace it with nothing. The free market doesn’t need a “plan” delivered from On High to function. It merely needs to be unimpeded. That is something DC will not allow to happen. They would see the healthcare market burn rather than release it from their iron grip.
More on the failure of the Affordable Care Act from Veronique de Rugy at Reason.
Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit, on the coming preference cascade of Trump supporters
From USA Today.
Demagoguing FBI Director James Comey apoplectic over being told “no”
He’s throwing a fit over Apple’s resistance, but he had no problem signing off on waterboarding.
A mark in favor of Bernie Sanders
He once called for the abolition of the CIA.
Two opposing voices on Trump
Hillary will release mega-bank speeches if Republicans do
She implies that every candidate is owned by the Political Class, which I’m inclined to believe.
The State’s favorite billionaire upset people thought he took the State’s side in Apple vs. FBI fight
Bill Gates, that is.
Groupthink is deadly for liberty, which is why it’s taught in our public schools
FEE’s B.K. Marcus on the necessity of dissenting voices for liberty, which is shamed out of children at a young age in those groupthink incubators known as public schools. Indeed, a form of tribalism is the main course in our public schools, but a tribe that consists of the children and the State, against the parent.