The Pentagon doles out billions to foreign militaries in secret. So who gets it, and how much?

From Politico.  The Pentagon spends $10 billion on something called “Building Partner Capacity”.  It’s a cheap euphemism for what amounts to doling out taxpayer billions to foreign governments in secret.

Relevant chunks: “In total, the DOD has spent at least $122 billion arming and training foreign partners in the past 15 years.

What do we have to show for it? That’s unclear. The Pentagon is the only government agency providing foreign assistance that is not required to submit an annual budget justification to Congress, so the public does not how much the DOD is spending in a given country and why. Without this baseline data, it’s difficult to evaluate whether these programs are succeeding, much less whether they are an efficient use of resources.”

A bomb that only a coward would use

The cluster bomb, that is.  From Common Dreams.  Relevant chunks: “Cluster bombs eject explosive bomblets (little bombs) designed to kill personnel and destroy vehicles over a wide area. Unexploded bomblets can continue killing or maiming civilians long after a conflict has ended, and are very costly to find and remove. In Vietnam, for example, approximately 300 people are still killed annually by unexploded ordnance.”

American-made cluster bombs are currently being used by Saudi Arabia in it’s war on Yemen, a war that has racked up over 3,000 civilian deaths so far.  The Saudi’s have spent more than $100 billion since 2010 on US weapons, according to congressional research.

The dark side of Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No”

A simple-minded abstinence-only drug education, backed up by a burgeoning military mind-set among police departments designed to turn up the heat on Prohibition, unleashed a black market crime wave that not only did nothing to halt drug use, but ushered drug users into far more dangerous drugs like crack cocaine and heroin.  See Jacob Sullum’s article at Reason.