FBI unlocks iPhone without Apple’s help, somehow

New York Times.  The Feds lost the the battle for hearts and minds over encryption, which is now safer than ever.  The whole dust-up seemed more of a case of bringing an encryption-advocating tech giant to heel rather than accessing the phone.  They wanted Apple to jump at their command, but didn’t count on the vigorous defense of encryption and privacy from the heroic Tim Cook.  The big question now is: how’d they do it?

Emory University wakes to find pro-Trump messages chalked around campus, goes full totalitarian

The Federalist.  Students were enraged that there could be Trump supporters among the student population, and they marched on the administration building.  Seeing the faces of the safe spacers when they first looked upon “Trump 2016” chalked on the sidewalk, their faces slowly twisting into horror, morphing into glee as they realize they finally have something to “march” about, would be almost worth it.