Journalist persecution has been unprecedented under Obama
Imagine how it will be under Trump. The Intercept
Imagine how it will be under Trump. The Intercept
It’s in the Pentagon’s interests to learn nothing from foreign policy failure. Jerusalem Post
Employers are privy to that fact, too. Take McDonalds, who has begun installing kiosks in their stores around the country. A minimum wage will hasten the arrival of the robotic workforce. Zero Hedge
It’s too risky, politically, to take a stand either way, so Congress lets the President launch the wars. The downside is that we get way too many wars, and they never seem to end. But all of Congress benefits from continuous war. They’re just too scared to take a position on one. Antiwar
Which means he should probably return it. National Interest
…will cook up the most ridiculous, and dangerous, schemes to justify its existence. One such scheme would be conducting an “active shooter drill” without telling the local police department what’s happening. Activist Post
My San Antonio. Watch the video, if you can stomach it.
SCOTUS tied 4-4 upholding forced union fees collected by the powerful California teacher’s union. FEE
Far more politicians hid their illegitimate wealth via shell companies than the private rich hid their rightfully acquired wealth. Reason
Was to be renamed “Antonin Scalia School of Law”, or ASSLaw/ASSoL for short. Hehe. CNN