The six biggest lies used to start a war
How many can you name without looking at the list? Cracked
How many can you name without looking at the list? Cracked
22 more emails have been upgraded to Top Secret. The News
The Nation. Nothing new with Cruz, his foreign policy will mirror Bush. He’ll have his Mid-East wars, his tough-guy speeches, his liberty-destroying legislation, etc. The blowback created by all this will then be used as the excuse for even more war by his successor.
125,000 Cubans fled their country for America in 1980. Pretty amazing, read the entire thing. ADST
After said blimp gets loose and travels 100 miles. Washington Times
Reason’s Matt Welch demolishes Elite puff piece.
US is militarizing the Pacific, and not taking questions
Obama: nuclear terrorist attack would “change our world” (Ed: can’t help but commenting. Yes, it would change our world, meaning it would usher in the total Police State that right outside the door. A possible terrorist nuke would kill a million people, but the global government response would be far worse. The “loose nuke” problem was created by governments who were too careless with their nukes, or who sold nuclear secrets to shadowy figures for some momentary gain.)
Intelligence Community Olive Branch on Data Sharing Greeted With Skepticism
…FBI, DEA, and others. Any official surveillance reform is just a PR stunt, they’ll never willingly let go of that power. Tech Dirt
Again, quagmires are the health of the State. Reuters
Connecticut is pushing back. Now if only the state government has the fortitude for a prolonged fight with these parasites. They could even go whole-hog and abolish public-sector unionism in their state and be done with it. Why bleed taxpayers dry solely to fund public-employee pay raises and cushy retirement pension?