Fourth of July resolution, along with oddities of the day

It’s been awhile.

Far longer than I had intended, anyway.  Well, I’m back.  I believe that if one is serious about advancing liberty, it must become his or her day job.  No more moonlighting, dilettantery, or going AWOL for months at a time.  To act like an amateur, a dabbler, is to be an amateur dabbler.  To make serious progress toward a freer society, one must approach it with an eye to seeing it through to the end.  The only avenue we have toward greater liberty is our ability to persuade.  To persuade as many fellow American citizens that liberty is the only solution to our plight.  Liberty is the only path that doesn’t lead to the ruination of this country and the remainder of her freedom.  It’s the only light in the dark that isn’t the headlamp of an oncoming freight train.  Rediscover liberty to resurrect the Republic.

So the task is set.  All laid out and waiting for those who know better to get off their lazy hindquarters and get to work.  “Hand to the plow and don’t look back” and all that.  Liberty won’t crown itself.  I want to sit down one year from now and truly believe that I made some sort of beginning toward that goal, rather the certain knowledge that I frittered the time away with a smattering of published articles that are a mere shadow of where my true passion lies.

So, to the task at hand.


So marijuana probably cures Alzheimer’s.  New study from the California-based Salk Institute suggests that THC removes the brain plaques associated with the memory-loss effects of Alzheimer’s.

Of course Brexit is good for liberty.  That political decentralization is always better than political consolidation is history’s chief lesson to humanity.

Obama’s civilian drone death acknowledgement is nothing more than insulting propaganda.  White House claims only 116 civilian deaths from drone strikes.  Everyone else claims over one thousand.  That’s the difference between a justification for drone policy and a reason to end it entirely.

District attorneys can really work a grand jury. Just ask Houston, Texas. They rule in favor of the cop every single time.

From The Intercept: How the U.S. Military Promotes Its Weapons Arsenal to the Public

A pesticide, not the zika virus, is the probable cause of microcephaly.  Researchers were puzzled by 60,000 zika-infected pregnancies that did not result in microcephaly.  A Big Pharma pesticide added to drinking water supplies to kill mosquito eggs may be to blame.

Cops give Emirati man a stroke as the descend upon him SWAT-style in Ohio. An idiotic hotel employee called the cops, reporting an Arab man pledging allegiance to ISIS while on a phone call.  He was speaking in Arabic.  The Emirati Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged Emiratis not to wear traditional dress, because, well, the propaganda-fueled environment of paranoia over Arabs.

Neil deGrasse Tyson’s “Rationalia” fever dream is basically everything Hayek warned us about the fatal conceit.  Indeed, Hayek spent his entire career, after the publication of Serfdom, warning against the more “rational” social engineers and their totalitarian pipe dreams.

Police kill unarmed man at father’s funeral, in front of his family.  Sleazy move, even if the man had warrants outstanding.  Add to it the toxic ingredient of “escalation” that cops seem to be consistent in applying, where any false move or hesitation on the part of the suspect is grounds for a beating or a bullet, and you have a dead parent/son/daughter, and a cop who will walk.




Author: S. Smith