Month: August 2017
Maryland sees 372 fentanyl-overdose fatalities in first quarter of 2017
Fentanyl, explained
The opioid epidemic perfectly illustrates the “iron law of prohibition”
The term, coined by Richard Cowan in an article in 1986, posits that the harder the enforcement of drug prohibition, the harder the illegal drugs will become. Heroin is of course becoming much stronger due to the introduction of the deadly additives fentanyl and carfentanil.
A $1 billion covert CIA war just came to an end in Syria
72 years after atom bombing of Hiroshima
Sessions’ task force recommends letting states experiment with legal weed
No, marijuana doesn’t make you dumber
From Alternet: “Longitudinal data just recently published online in the journal Addiction reports that pot smoking is not independently associated with adverse effects on the developing brain. A team of investigators from the United States and the United Kingdom evaluated whether marijuana use is directly associated with changes over time in neuropsychological performance in a nationally representative cohort of adolescent twins. Authors reported that “family background factors,” but not the use of cannabis negatively impacted adolescents’ cognitive performance.”
The privacy threat at the airport: face recognition
ACLU of Northern California: “While Congress has directed CBP to collect biometrics from noncitizens as part of the entry/exit program, Congress did not specify which biometric the agency should use, and from a privacy perspective, face recognition is (along with iris recognition) the most dangerous biometric to use. That’s because it has greater potential for expansion and misuse: for example, you can subject thousands of people an hour to face recognition when they’re walking down the sidewalk without their knowledge, let alone permission or participation. You can’t do that with fingerprints. Face recognition databases could be plugged in to every surveillance camera in America, creating a giant infrastructure for government tracking and control. Wagner told me that the agency opted for face recognition instead of fingerprints because of the greater ease and practicality of the technology as well as the “optics of us taking fingerprints from people.” Of course, fingerprints do have a negative association in the public mind—but that’s because of their use in tracking and identifying accused criminals. And tracking and identifying is exactlywhat the photos are being used for here. If, as Wagner suggests, taking a photo seems more benign to the public, that’s only because the public’s intuitions about privacy have not caught up with what the technology can do. And fingerprints work fine in the context of international travel, as they are already used for the Global Entry frequent traveler program.”