Don’t talk to cops

And now for the most informative video you’ll watch today:

It clashes with our indoctrinated view that cops are “our friends”.  No, they aren’t.  Friends are people we know and trust.  Cops are the armed enforcers of the Political Class, but they will pretend to be your friend to gain your trust, in order to milk you for information, or incriminate yourself.

The other greatest libertarian writer of my generation, the late Will Grigg, wrote a wonderful column a year ago on the topic:

Teaching Kids to Trust the Police is Child Abuse.

That indignation you feel at reading that title is the indoctrination resurfacing again.  It’s okay to feel it, but it’s important to recognize it for what it is: conditioning over a period of decades to trust anyone with a badge on.  The ubiquity and effectiveness of that particular mind-laundry is the reason the TSA, a few years ago, began giving their agents uniforms that resembled law enforcement, complete with badge.  Because Americans submit to those with badges.  The flip side of that coin is that the TSA agents began acting more like cops, despite having no law enforcement power.

What an ugly reality, and an unhealthy environment for liberty.

02/08/18 Overnight Links

02/07/18 Morning Links