02/22/18 Overnight Links

Techdirt: Research paper links police unions to increased officer misconduct

Forbes: Revealed: Two secret cogs in the FBI national surveillance machine

The Hill: Dopey Russian ads didn’t swing the election—federal coverups did

RAND PAUL: Is our military budget too small, or is our mission too large?

Reason: Supreme Court case could spell the end of mandatory public sector union dues

Ars Technica: Man removes feds’ spy cam, they demand it back, he refuses and sues

The Federalist: 13 ways public schools incubate mental instability in kids

Motherboard: Top-secret US military base will melt out of Greenland ice sheet

Activist Post: Michigan committee passes bill to ban “material support or resources” for warrantless federal surveillance

247WallSt: 20 companies profiting the most from war

Al Jazeera: Philippine Senator: Duterte’s drug war has killed 20,000

Reason: Countering the threat of the malicious use of artificial intelligence

NBC: Could aliens hack our planet?

Author: S. Smith