Justin Raimondo on the continuing Russia-gate witch hunt

Justin Raimondo writes better stricken with debilitating cancer than every other internet scribbler in peak health.  His latest column skewering the phony ‘Russia-gate’ fracas proves this once again.  A slice:

“One by one, the plaster gods fall, cracked and crumbled on the ground: the latest is Bernie Sanders, the Great Pinko Hope of the (very few) remaining Democrats with a modicum of sense who reject the “Russia! Russia! Russia!” paranoia of Rep. Adam Schiff and what I call the party’s California Crazies. The official Democratic leadership seems to have no real commitment to anything other than fealty to a few well-known oligarchs, who provide the party with needed cash, a burning hatred of Russia – an issue no ordinary voter outside of the Sunshine State loony bin and Washington, D.C. cares about – and exotic issues of interest only to the upper class virtue-signalers who are now their main constituency (e.g., where will trans people go to the bathroom?). Overlaying this potpourri of nothingness, the glue holding it all together, is pure unadulterated hatred: of President Trump, of Trump voters, of Middle America in general, and, of course, fear and loathing of Russia and all things Russian.

And now the one supposedly bright spot in this pit of abysmal darkness has flickered out, with Bernie Sanders, the Ron Paul of the Reds, jumping on the Russia-did-it bandwagon and cowering in the wake of Robert Mueller’s laughable “indictment,” in which the special prosecutor avers that $100,000 in Facebook ads were designed to throw the election to Trump – and to help Bernie!

Oh no, says Bernie, from his place of exile in the wilds of Vermont, where the Russians did not take over the electrical grid: It wasn’t me!

And this gem:

“I’ll tell you one thing: I would have colluded with the Klingon Empire to prevent Hillary and her band of authoritarian statists and warmongering nutcases from taking the White House. If only the Russians had intervened, they’d have been doing this country – and the world – a great service. Alas, there’s not one lick of solid evidence – forensic, documentary, witness testimony – that shows this. Which is what the Mueller investigation is all about: the Democrats are claiming there was interference, and Mueller is out to find corroboration. Except it’s been over a year and he’s come up with … nothing.”

The wonderful wonder of “cultural appropriation”

Most of us probably take for granted the process that allows us to sample the food, music, and culture of the world, without having to travel all over the world.  I certainly take for granted the fact that I can enjoy upper-crust sushi complete with a decorative, flaming shot of Everclear in the evening, followed by a hole-in-the-wall diner the next morning.

“Cultural appropriation” is merely a smear of the wonderful process of cultural exchange that ineluctably occurs when people are given a modicum of liberty.  How would society look if cultural barriers were put up?  Would we be better or worse off if we could only participate in our own culture?

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