03/17/18 Links
The Hill: Selling you out: Mass public surveillance for corporate gain
Ars Technica: U.S. spy lab hopes to geotag every outdoor photo on social media
Nextgov: Walmart files patent for autonomous robot bees
The Intercept: How the New York Times is making war with Iran more likely
Techdirt: Leaked documents expose NYPD’s long-running lack of officer discipline
The American Conservative: Rand Paul: Why I’ll fight Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo nominations
Reason: Florida may be about to launch the most ambitious criminal justice transparency project in the U.S.
Activist Post: Why we don’t need the government to protect us from “polarizing” internet speech
High Times: This state just shut down 40 medical marijuana dispensaries
Gizmodo: Looks like someone hid a weed joke on Home Depot’s website