04/11/18 Links
EFF: The U.S. CLOUD Act and the EU: A privacy protection race to the bottom
Metro: Facebook can predict people’s behavior by spying through their smartphone, patent reveals
WSWS: Behind the Facebook data scandal: The drive to censor the internet
The Hill: It would have taken more than privacy laws to prevent the Cambridge Analytica scandal
Mashable: When ICE asks Facebook for help, Zuckerberg pledges to say ‘no’
National Review: Mark Zuckerberg’s insufferable tripe
The Week: The case for doing nothing in Syria
The American Conservative: Trump’s rush to judgment on Syria chemical attack
SHELDON RICHMAN: Who’s afraid of Russian propaganda?
Activist Post: Homeland Security thinks wearing black means you’re an anarchist
Mises: Why big government, big banks, and big tech all hate cash