06/16/18 Overnight Links

06/16/18 Overnight Links

Tulsa World: State Question 788 foes report $453,000 media buy to combat medical marijuana ballot measure

ABC News: When, not if: US poised to quit UN Human Rights Council Ed: For “chronic anti-Israel bias”, meaning the members of the council choose not to ignore Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinians.

The Intercept: If a prosecutor breaks the law in secret, does the crime exist? Not according to Texas prosecutors.

Activist Post: Trump administration gifts Syrian terrorist-linked ‘White Helmets’ $6.6 million

WSWS: The seige of Hodeidah, Washington’s war crime in Yemen Ed: With a population of around 500,000, it is Yemen’s most crowded city, and a key port for food and aid. And the Saudis and the UAE are about to fire every First World weapon of war, purchased from Uncle Sam, the world’s largest arms dealer, at the heavily-populated port city.

National Review: The strange tale of how the FBI’s anti-Trump bias helped elect Trump

The Free Thought Project: “Cameras off”: New video shows Vegas shooting strike team being told  to turn off body cams

Axios: Scott Pruitt’s laundry list

Reason: Flynn Effect goes in reverse in Norway

Arch Paper: In upstate New York, a DMT-inspired temple rises

Author: S. Smith