Weekend Links

The benefactors of marijuana prohibition ramp up attacks ahead of Tuesday’s SQ 788 vote

The heat is on as the day to cast our vote for medical marijuana in this state draws near, and everyone with a finger in the prohibitionist pot is bringing out the big guns to ensure that their golden goose isn’t pried from their greedy, greasy hands by the citizens of Oklahoma who have had to pony up the taxes, and bear the brunt, of the farcical, tragic, War on Drugs. Sheriffs, district attorneys, prisons both public and private, the entire medical/pharmaceutical complex eager to keep the public addicted to their patented poisons, the peddlers of Surveillance State tech goodies that are deployed against innocent civilians by cops increasingly taught that they’re soldiers at war, and increasingly behaving as if they were, and many, many more.

But it’s a virtual victory come Tuesday (but only if you vote!), and how sweet it is to see every political and corporate parasite make their final, pathetic stand against a measure that would increase liberty and simultaneously decrease their power and income.  And so the lies come out: “SQ 788 will let veterinarians prescribe marijuana”, “…students will be allowed to grow marijuana in their dorms”, “…the filth-covered potheads will come scurrying out of the tunnels and smoking marijuana right next to your babies”, etc. And the biggest lie of all: “this is recreational marijuana disguised as medical”.  No, it clearly is not. The language of 788 requires approval of a board-certified physician before obtaining a license for medical marijuana.

And the elite rag of the Oklahoma Political Class has been unloading clip after clip at supporters of 788, but they’re firing blanks, as the lies are falling on fewer and fewer willing listeners. The people who’ve been forcibly funding the boondoggles of the Political Class, all the grand plans that have run this state into the ground, are becoming immune to the desperate lies designed to keep the party going. For anyone but us, that is.

The Establishment is afraid of 788 because it is true medical marijuana, not a crony half-measure that ensures the right people receive their cut first.

And if you’ll remember Oklahoma’s own Scott Pruitt, the current head of the EPA, and laughingstock of the entirety of DC, attempted to rewrite SQ 788 in a blatant effort to mislead voters into misconstruing the initiative as legalizing recreational marijuana, was rejected by the Oklahoma Supreme Court.

In truth, the War on Drugs is nothing more than a war on our liberty.  It has unleashed a black market plague of meth, heroin, and criminals to supply a demand that, due to the ridiculous prohibition of safer alternatives, cannot currently be supplied by legal businesses in an open and free market.

Another truth, and one that becomes plainly evident every time a real threat to the existence of the gravy train of Prohibition emerges, is that the Drug War is nothing more than a jobs program for hundreds of thousands of workers at the federal and state level.

An entire bureaucracy has been built up around prohibition to combat it, and now, as with every other war, foreign and domestic, that our Political Class is busy waging, this bureaucracy realizes that it needs the Drug War to continue to exist. Far-reaching powers of surveillance have been built upon this ridiculous policy of Prohibition, and rooting out and dismantling the power structure built upon it is an Augean stable of a task, but 788 is a mighty first step toward washing away the horse manure of entrenched corruption.

The promise of legal marijuana in Oklahoma in reality means the promise of an end to a massive black market and all the societal ills that follow in its wake: the destruction of families, of entire communities, of the most vulnerable among us, an end to our sardine-can prisons, the promise of a way out of addiction for those held in thrall to meth, heroin, and opioids.  Legal marijuana means safe access to a safe product, access to a far safer high than meth, heroin, and even alcohol can provide.  It means thousands of jobs; real jobs with real paychecks. No federal grants, no phony taxpayer-subsidized “jobs”.  It means the elimination of the myriad fake jobs that make their living on the Drug War, paid for by us with our tax dollars and our liberty.  The promise of legal marijuana is the promise of a future with greater liberty, not less.  That’s a future worth working toward.