With medical marijuana, it’s Oklahomans versus the Political Class

Botanophobia, the fear of plants, is apparently widespread among Oklahoma’s political and bureaucratic elite, as evinced from the first stirrings of pro-medical marijuana activism in this state. And, despite the easy win for State Question 788, proof of the clear favor that normal Oklahomans have for legal medical marijuana, the medical/political/bureaucratic Establishment is proving particularly hard to dislodge, much like a barnacle on the underside of a boat. One such cluster of barnacles resides within the state’s Department of Health, a cluster that is apparently committed to damaging the spirit of 788 as much as possible, with it’s weapon of choice being 75 pages of ridiculous regulations that will, in practice, have no other effect than shielding their cronies from the devastating competition that this plant will undoubtedly bring. Indeed, easy access to medical marijuana will be an extinction-level event for much of the pharmaceutical establishment, as their expensive, patent poisons, churned out by the billions in various pill mills, will be tossed in the garbage and replaced with a plant that patients can grow themselves.   The absurdity of the regulations speak for themselves: Dispensaries must have a pharmacist on site, plants must be grown only behind a 6 foot fence, locked, shielded from the eyes of both the public and God too, apparently, as dispensaries also must remain closed on Sunday. Of course Oklahoma would require that last one. Also, no smoke-able marijuana shall be allowed. Given all these commandments, it’s a virtual certainty that a lawsuit will immediately be brought forth, as the ACLU of Oklahoma’s Ryan Kiesel predicts.

They will have the effect similar to that of a circus dog, scared out of its wits, attempting to jump through an endless series of flaming rings without igniting.

The true purpose of such restrictive regulations is to discourage a prospective medical marijuana patient to the point that they give up on obtaining the plant and revert to the same old insanity-inducing pharmaceuticals that we see advertised throughout the day on television, the ones that are presently leaving a wide trail of dead and insane US citizens in their wake.

You can’t patent a plant, and how can you make money on a medicine that the patient can grow at home?  Those are the only questions that matter to those in power. Not our health, not our future, not our liberty.

Another prediction, one made by pretty much everyone with eyes, is that this will ignite a huge push for legalizing recreational marijuana in this state. Something that should probably happen now, once and for all. While from this vantage point it appears more of an “Aqaba, from the land” scenario, Lawrence did cross the Nefud, and did take Aqaba. It is possible. Barnacles can be struck off a boat, and the Political Class can be dislodged from our liberty. All it takes is a will, belief, and the way will appear.