Friday the 13th Links Vol. 2

NewsOK: Health board broke tradition in setting medical marijuana rules, author unknown

NewsOn6: Medical marijuana impairment while driving illegal in Oklahoma

Other health department’s slightly more tolerant than ours: Reason: New York’s health department recommends legalizing recreational marijuana

Techcrunch: ACLU calls for a moratorium on government use of facial recognition technologies

The Verge: Federal court rules that TSA agents can’t be sued for false arrest, abuse, or assault

The Intercept: Immigrant mothers are staging hunger strikes to demand calls with their separated children

Mises: You now can’t leave the U.S. unless the IRS lets you

The Free Thought Project: Cops bulldoze unarmed man to death because they suspected him of growing marijuana

Techdirt: Guy gets tossed in jail on contempt charges for refusing to unlock his phone for cops

GEORGE WILL: What might a socialist American government do?

Author: S. Smith