10/10/18 Overnight Links

National Review: Is the tide turning toward justice for police-shooting victims?

RYAN MCMAKEN: New data shows Federal Reserve is causing more inequality

The Intercept: Leaked transcript of private meeting contradicts Google’s official story on China

TAC: The Pentagon: Incompetent on cybersecurity

Military.com: Army to revamp recruiting strategy after missing yearly goal Ed: Prepare for even more aggressive salesmen in your kids’ public schools and college campuses selling the “Join the Empire! See the world!” crap. Military recruiters are pure garbage, and they will tell your children anything at all in order to trick them into signing their future away, destroying it in some unnecessary conflict on the other side of the planet.

Electronic Intifada: Dutch supplier of Israeli attack dogs compensates Palestinian victim

FEE: How Trump’s trade policies make us more like a banana republic

National Interest: No, Mr. President, war against Venezuela is a bad idea

DON BOUDREAUX: The best trade policy is to ignore other governments’ trade policies

Fortune: Walmart might start selling cannabis products in Canada

High Times: Recent study reveals anti-anxiety effects of ketamine may alter theta brainwaves

MIT Tech Review: The 8-dimensional space that must be searched for alien life