Weekend Links

GLENN GREENWALD: Prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing documents poses grave threat to press freedom

TAC: Rand Paul: Saudi Arabia is number one at spreading terror

The Week: The paranoid delusions behind America’s foreign policy

Also TAC: When the “good guy with a gun” is black Ed: There’s a good case to be made for taking guns away from cops. They have plenty of non-lethal options.  And for those who didn’t hear much about the twist in the Trader Joe’s shooting, the employee was shot to death by a cop who fired wildly into the crowded grocery store in an attempt to kill the suspect.

And this from Techdirt: Appeals court: No immunity for shooting a man who had his hands up and twice said he surrendered

Mises: A White House press pass has nothing to do with the First Amendment

Reuters: Pentagon fails its first-ever audit

Reason: The postal service lost $3.9 billion last year

Quillette: The free speech crisis on campus is worse than you think

FEE: What the overpopulation pessimists got wrong (and still get wrong today) Ed: The overpopulation fear is so terrifying because it seems so plausible to those who don’t understand economies of scale, division of labor, and the revolutionary power of innovation. The latest Avengers film even attempted to humanize the villain Thanos by giving him supposedly benevolent intentions behind his desire to kill half the universe. Because the universe is too crowded. Of course. Hitler, of course, used the fear of an overpopulated Germany to gain support for the dehumanization. The true threat is the politicized fear of population growth.

Nooooooo: RIP William Goldman, creator of beloved film, The Princess Bride