11/05/18 Overnight Links
The Intercept: Weapons makers rushing campaign cash to Democrat in line to chair defense industry’s key house committee
Reuters: UNICEF: Yemeni children die as warring sides block aid deliveries
Reason: It’s not just one bad apple. Little Rock’s police department is rotten throughout. Ed: Too many cops with what I like to think of as the ‘Barney Fife thinks he’s the Punisher’ syndrome.
FEE: Why the hammer and sickle should be treated like the swastika Ed: It is stupefying that this is not the case. Support for communism/socialism is commonplace, despite a far bloodier record than the Nazi reign.
Cato: Walling off liberty: How strict immigration enforcement threatens privacy and local policing.
ART CARDEN: Are we serious about reducing poverty? Then we need to welcome immigrants
Truthdig: The U.S. military’s empire of secrecy
Activist Post: CIA secretly intercepted Congressional communications about whistleblowers
The Guardian: Weed woes: Canada struggles to meet huge demand for legal cannabis