Yuletide Overnight Links

Yuletide Overnight Links

AP: Land mines will be hidden killer in Yemen decades after war Ed: As I peruse the latest editorials and news clippings covering the latest concerning the Saudi slaughter of one of the poorest nations in the world, I am continually amazed at the amount of sheer propaganda aimed at whitewashing the murder of an entire nation by means of U.S.-made weapons by the Saudi ruling class. The facts are ghoulish: 85,000 children dead from blockade-induced starvation. Although our minds can’t pin faces, lives, pain, and death to large numbers, it is murder nonetheless. Despite this, the Wall Street Journal assures us that the Saudi monsters truly desire peace. It is unbelievable garbage, that, in a just world, would be ridiculed and shamed into oblivion, yet it persists. War, massacres, genocide, persist today, despite the professed intentions and values of our very own government. Rather than a bright Solstice, Yemeni families are preparing for their own deaths this Christmas, deaths that are not inevitable, but the clear consequence of decisions made by the Political Class, buoyed and buffeted by the indifference of the voting masses.

TAC: The Great War Christmas Truce: “They were positively human”

CATO: U.S. withdrawal from Syria puts a check on mission creep

Mises: In praise of Christmas tree salesmen

Reason: Prison food is a national tragedy

Motherboard: The U.S. just legalized hemp, a key source of CBD

The Conversation: How Big Data created a big problem in science

Author: S. Smith