The policing profession attracts garbage humans cosplaying the Punisher

The policing profession attracts garbage humans cosplaying the Punisher

When we’re kids, we oftentimes fantasize that we are the gunslinging hero of the Western, cop show, or comic book. Even as kids, though, we understand that we aren’t Clint Eastwood, John Rambo, or the Punisher. We separate fantasy from reality. Most of us, anyway. For some, they hide from the guilt and shame of their wasted lives through sustaining this fantasy, and merging it with reality. Which would be hard if they wanted to hold down a job for any extended period of time. Most employers would see the delusional behavior and rid themselves of the crazy person as soon as possible. One profession, however, seems to positively select for delusional nutjobs to fill its ranks: modern-day American policing. In this profession, Barney Fife can act out his Punisher-style fantasies in broad daylight, at the expense of whichever hapless taxpayer happens to bear the brunt of the display. Said taxpayer, when faced with someone in the grips of their militarized fantasy, is at extreme risk of being beaten to a pulp, tased, or shot. And when its over, this Barney Fife receives applause, a paid vacation, and ultimately an expungement of any wrongdoing. The victim either endures the costly, and usually unsuccessful, process of suing the police department. The point is that no real punishment is ever dealt to these sick puppies who don’t hesitate to use violence to fulfill their macho fantasy.

Which brings me to the latest video of a cop unhesitatingly shooting a small, yapping dog. Video here, if you can stomach it. Officer Garbage Human from Faulkner County, Arkansas, is heard and seen telling the owner of the dog: “OK, I’m going to come to you, and if your dog gets aggressive, I’m going to shoot it,” Whereupon he strolls up onto the private property of a private citizen, and casually shoots the small yapping dog in the head.

If there is any giant, pulsing neon sign that points to a psychopath that must be removed from society, it is the murder of a pet. But these people remain on the force, satisfying their juvenile fetish to feel like they are truly the macho badass they want to be. Which of course stems from the fact that they know they are quivering cowards.

Also, most of these knuckledragging, badged psychopaths have very sensitive egos, as so much video evidence will show. Any perceived slight to their authority is met with a quickly escalated encounter, usually ending with the cops wrestling someone to the ground, tasing them, and eventually shooting them.

This cannot continue to happen unchallenged.

Author: S. Smith