In the Face of Evil

In the Face of Evil

I’ve always felt that the true test of character comes when one is made to choose between defending a position or belief all alone, going against what seems to be the majority of your fellow man, those who hold a belief or are bent on engaging in an act of which you know in your heart to be evil, or a path that leads to eventual ruin. It’s a rare sight, not dissimilar to walking outside at night, looking up, and seeing the sky filled with lighting sprites. Not impossible, but it catches you off guard. All you can do is marvel at it, thank the gods you were there to witness it, and pray you learned something from it. The quality I’m referring to is intransigence, that immovable bullheadedness that vanishingly few possess but can do enormous damage when awakened. And more than likely it is a quality that remains dormant for much of the unsuspecting individual’s life, placed there by whatever force breathed life into the cosmos, lying in wait in case it is ever needed. This individual could be moving along through life at a steady pace, meeting all the milestones that society demands of him or her. Yet one morning this person finds something wrong, he sees what he has always seen, yet this time he sees it as it truly is: crimes committed in broad daylight by a ruling class flanked by murderers and rapists of entire nations. He realizes with shame and outrage that he’s become a sharecropper of his own life, a vision of his children’s future becomes clear as a diamond sky, effectively delivering his children to a hereditary parasite that will never be satisfied until their futures and lives are consumed.

His sensibilities, his very nature is offended at the molecular level. All at once a sleeping star goes nova within him, something awakens, utterly possessing him, transforming him. The monkey brain chatter that his filled his mind for years is suddenly silenced. The mind clears, he sees the path before him. He picks up a large club, and he begins to walk. And as he walks, the history of entire countries change. His eyes are on the path, the goal, not the jeering horde of drones that mindlessly prop up the system that enslaves them. History itself is changed by this quality. It’s this quality that Matthew Arnold saw in Edmund Burke when he wrote:

“…when you hear all round you no language but one, when your party talks this language like a steam-engine and can imagine no other–still to be able to think, still to be irresistibly carried, if so it be, by the current of thought to the opposite side of the question, and, like Balaam, to be unable to speak anything but what the Lord has put in your mouth.”

These people have existed throughout history, and they have changed that history. Their refusal to yield, their indifference to the odds of success, indifference to whether they stand alone or with millions, their inability to “speak anything but what the Lord has put in (their) mouth”, this is intransigence. Not just a bullheaded refusal to back down, but a continued, unceasing, advance toward the enemy, is its hallmark. It is what every ruling class fears, because it is almost impossible to defeat, and it is the harbinger of their doom. When a ruling class has openly committed crimes against the public long enough, the intransigent will awaken and begin pursuing them.

An intransigent person is like the Terminator. They just keep coming, and they won’t shut up. They can’t be bargained with, bribed, or cajoled. And they won’t stop until either your establishment has been dismantled, or they has been killed by agents of the Political Class. Any ember left alight within will continue to pursue its prey with every fiber of its being. A ruling class is virtually helpless in the face of an articulate, intransigent person.

We are living in an age where corporations and governments speak with one voice. Where crimes are committed at home and abroad, to thunderous applause, by a rapacious Political Class who are also intent on grinding into dust all dissent. What better testing ground could there be for bringing the intransigent to the foreground? And it certainly has. Ron Paul was the first major public figure to exhibit an almost superhuman intransigence in the face of evil.  More recently, Tulsi Gabbard has exhibited Jimmy Dore, comedian and host of the Jimmy Dore Show, certainly has it. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has an enormous amount of it.

With most of these people, you can point to some single moment or revelation that propelled them to action. Tulsi saw firsthand the evil of regime-change wars. Jimmy’s was the constant exposure to propaganda. RFK Jr. looked at the data behind the murderous Gardasil vaccine in disgust and horror. For Ron Paul it was the evils of the Welfare/Warfare State, and the rapid dismantling of liberty.

Intransigence is much more than an unwillingness to compromise. It calls out your crimes to your face. It will publish pamphlets of your crimes and distribute them. It will tell every person who will listen that you, the ruling class, are composed of human garbage and are fleecing them for every cent they have. They will be very persuasive, and will build a following. They will come for you.

Author: S. Smith