The Israel Lobby declares war on Minnesota rep. Ilhan Omar
It’s quite the commentary on the extent of the present-day political decay in the U.S. that a Somali-born, Muslim black woman from Minnesota displays more loyalty to the U.S., its citizens, and the Constitution than virtually the entirety of the swirling gaudy, preening refuse in Washington D.C. An avalanche of essays, written by sycophantic stenographers of the Political Class, have denounced Omar in the most slanderous and vulgar of ways, and yet she has held onto her grace. And that grace under fire grows exponentially each day, as she doesn’t lose her cool, or buckle under pressure as the hatred pours in. “Anti-semite!” is all that’s spat at her, the age-old race card, the last refuge of a coward, and proof positive that Omar’s critics have no response to her legitimate criticism of Israel’s stranglehold on American politics. Everyone is afraid to criticize Israel, and what they fear is that what is happening to Omar would happen to them. Legitimate fear among the D.C. invertebrates that decide the fate of our nation. So, is what Omar said anti-Semitic in any way? Look for yourself, with your own eyes, and answer yourself honestly:
Any of that untrue? That unblinded ‘Self’ in your head just answered you honestly, before the rationalizations and incepted indignation had time to defend. You know it’s true. Everyone knows it. That’s why the Political Class is so pissed off. And because she intransigently refuses to pledge allegiance to any country other than the one she was elected to serve, and plainly says so, she’s branded an anti-Semite by the people who have pledged their allegiance to a foreign power. And that legion of corrupt garbage is speaking in one voice, indignant that the scam is being exposed.
Ilhan Omar has so far only made one mistake: she apologized. That was the green light for the deluge of animosity. Let’s hope she doesn’t break.
And for what it’s worth, the current “Great Satan” of the Republican Party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has defended Omar from the very beginning of the controversy, unlike every other member of the Political Class, save for Rashida Tlaib. I have yet to hear AOC’s full views on endless war, but if she opposes it with even half the vehemence of Tulsi Gabbard, I will defend her. The Empire must end if the Republic is to be reborn. Raining death and delivering into the hands of chaos an endless string of countries cannot continue.
The hope for liberty doesn’t lie in those vacuous avatars of the Welfare/Warfare state with no soul left to sell, who wrap themselves in the flag, ornamented with the relics of a long-dead Republic, wearing its skin and pretending to be the very embodiment of the American Revolution rather than merely one of its many assassins. They sleep uneasily next to its grave, because they didn’t scatter the ashes. That Republic will return out of the embers they failed to extinguish, although in a form few of us will recognize. That may come in the form of a Somali- or Hawaiian-born, lion-hearted Congresswoman who questions our entangled alliances or regime change wars, questioning the very foundation of smoke upon which the entire Empire is swaying upon. The defenders of that empire, the Philistines, fat, ignorant, and half-dead off the purloined wealth of a captive congregation, long serving the greatest monster ever to drag its claws across the world, will disappear in the wind when their master dies and liberty returns.