Memorial Day should cease to be another holiday for cheerleading endless war

Most people that prattle the loudest about “supporting the troops” won’t be able to tell you the suicide rate among active-duty and veterans. 321 active-duty killed themselves last year, Around 5,000 veterans also killed themselves.  The people that cheer on every new regime-change war that US soldiers are forced to wage can’t even find the location on a map. The idiots so obsessive about saluting the flag, “standing for the Pledge”, and engaging in the most stupefyingly ignorant displays of vulgar patriotism can’t even give a coherent reason for the existence of all the wars our government drags soldiers into. Yet, because they support the troops, they support the wars. This makes sense to their primitive minds. And on days like Memorial Day, this vast class of drones, their minds long ago hijacked by Pentagon propaganda, can worship war, and worship the State, and neglect to acknowledge the reality of not just soldier suicides, but the destruction that these wars have wrought for millions of people all over the world. The minds of these people have no defenses. In order to gain their support for a new war the government need only wrap it in a sufficient number of flags, and use just the right imagery, in order to subvert whatever remaining capacity to think that they retain. Their emotions sufficiently hijacked, they are now malleable puppets and will be directed at command.

The millions of blindly pro-war US citizens are the true reason that so many regime-change wars are fought, and so many soldiers die. If they were smarter, less susceptible to emotional manipulation, they would refuse to go along with every new war. And if they refused to support the war, the war wouldn’t happen. They also wouldn’t engage in meaningless displays of vulgar patriotism, and they would know the number of soldiers blowing their brains out on a yearly basis. They would see it as a real, preventable tragedy created by the mindless act of war. Forcing soldiers to fly overseas to murder people on their own land, or in their own towns and villages makes the soldier not want to live anymore. He can’t live with what he did, so he kills himself. I’ve read PTSD described as a movie of your worst, most horrible memory playing in your mind repeatedly. A memory you can’t escape from. Suicide is seen as their own way out.

If these pot-bellied, flag-saluting, troop-supporting, war-romanticizing pigs actually cared about the troops, they would demand their immediate return of all troops from the myriad theaters of war. They would celebrate the troops here at home, in person, face to face. Once home, they would protect the troops bodily from being sent to another foreign desert to die, or lose their mind in. They would demand that the troops have free access to the only known drugs that help to lift veterans out of the living Hell in their minds. They would tell the troops to throw away the pharmaceutical pills that will only drive them further into insanity, and instead give them MDMA, psilocybin, marijuana, mescaline, DMT, ayahuasca, and other natural psychedelics.

This won’t happen without some fundamental change, a mental awakening on a level that our species does not appear capable of. The wars could end without this change, but only by great effort. And even then, the latent potential of the vast number of people to utterly succumb to the first clever piece of war propaganda will always be there.

To truly support the troops, we should defend them from our own government. We should refuse to allow their lives to be so recklessly thrown away for another war of choice.

In honor of Memorial Day, here is arguably the greatest anti-war song ever written:

“I had a good home and I left. I had a good home and I left. Right. Left.”