Did the polio vaccine caused the mesothelioma epidemic?

Here is a mind-boggling article, published nineteen years ago in the Atlantic: The Virus and the Vaccine

A monkey virus known as SV40 contaminated the polio vaccine given to 98 million Americans from 1955 to 1963. Monkey kidneys had been used to culture the massive quantities of the polio virus for the millions of vaccines needed, but research later found SV40 inside the tumors of those who died of mesothelioma. Fast-forward to thousands of deaths each year and mesothelioma lawsuit commercials. Those commercials point to asbestos as the cause, and the article does say that asbestos is a factor, but that SV40 interacts with asbestos, resulting in a rapid-onset, terminal cancer. The entire article needs to be plucked from the memory hole and read.

Psychedelic Renaissance: Oakland Edition

A milestone in the burgeoning psychedelic renaissance happened on Tuesday night in Oakland, California: the city council passed a resolution decriminalizing all naturally-occurring psychedelic drugs. This doesn’t merely include the much-celebrated psilocybin found in ‘magic mushrooms’. It also includes peyote (mescaline), ayahuasca (DMT), iboga, among others. They’re what are known as “entheogenic” plants, of which you can find a surprisingly comprehensive list on Wikipedia.

This is astounding, and far bigger news than Denver’s recent decriminalization of magic mushrooms. Oakland’s is an admission of the insanity of enforcing the prohibition of plants, particularly plants that have the power to heal psychological wounds that have thus far proven resistant to treatment. That power is in the evidence: psilocybin has an 80% percent success rate in smoking cessation among life-time smokers. No other substance known to man comes anywhere close. MDMA, while not on the list of approved psychedelics in Oakland yet, successfully treats post-traumatic stress disorder without bringing the baggage that other anti-depressants such as Zoloft are known to have.

While decriminalization is a far cry from out-and-out legalization, it’s a colossal first step. Even ‘colossal’ is an understatement. We are on the verge of a pharmacological awakening. The very word “drugs”, ironically used pejoratively during the Golden Age of insanity-inducing anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, will take on a new meaning.

The near future: ‘You used drugs? From which plant source?’

Big Pharma’s poison pill racket will die a swift death, and it will be exhilarating to watch. No longer will those who walk around with depression, PTSD, or any other Pharma-categorized label become a victim of a prescription medication that will either drive them insane or numb them into perpetual somnambulism. They will liberate themselves “from the Bastille of their psychosis” with an evolutionary gift from the natural world.

This future is inevitable. The only bet now is which community will be next.

By all means, build the wall, but stop treating US citizens like criminals

To say that the debate over The Wall is heated would be somewhat of an understatement. From all appearances it seems that one side wants no barrier at all between our country and the one to the south, while the other envisions a towering, monumental structure on par with China’s Great Wall, or the Great Pyramids, something for a civilization 5,000 years hence to marvel at while they ponder the causes of the abrupt collapse in 2020 of the society that erected it.

Rather than the false choice we’re presented with, here might be a better solution: build the wall, or at least several different walls, along the most highly trafficked areas of the southern border. BUT, simultaneously dismantle the 100-mile wide “Constitution Free Zone” that extends into our own country, and that 2/3 of U.S. citizens live inside. The harassment of U.S. citizens by law enforcement, the casual violation of basic rights of due process, within this zone has been well-documented. It’s a disgrace, and unworthy of a free society, and any society that calls itself free should not tolerate such behavior from its own government. Every single law-abiding individual this side of the border should be treated as if they’re a resident and citizen. Our government’s failure at the border shouldn’t serve as the justification for the abuse and violation of the rights of U.S. citizens.

If our government can’t control our borders, it should no longer be allowed to employ a legion of badged, unionized thugs to harass U.S. citizens as a solution to its myriad failures. The government of a free society must find a way to function within the confines that the freedom of its citizens permits.

So, my solution would be this: build physical barriers at various, high-traffic locations to stem the tide of people. But, if some people slip through the barrier and enter the United States, as they invariably will, and no one has witnessed this happen, then it must be assumed that they are U.S. citizens, and treated with the dignity reserved for citizens of a free society. Unchecked law enforcement poses a real, immediate threat to U.S. citizens, and the stories of harassment, rape, and beatings of citizens by Border Patrol are toe-curling. In fact, it’s the Border Patrol committing the atrocities that we’re told illegal immigrants will take part in if we don’t build The Wall. Trading the fear of imagined crimes for real ones, along with a massive loss of liberty, is something that happens far too often.