Weren’t we warned that a President Trump would start World War 3?

Weren’t we warned that a President Trump would start World War 3?

During the election, anti-Trumpers from all sides were warning that Trump would be a loose cannon, starting wars willy-nilly, and in all probability launch a nuke. Instead, almost the exact opposite has occurred. Trump has met with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un three times, even becoming the first sitting President to walk within the Hermit Kingdom’s borders. He’s demanded an end to the twin military quagmires of Syria and Afghanistan, and came very close to hosting the Taliban at the White House. The same people pearl-clutching over Trump’s alleged war fever are now denouncing him for the attempt to meet with people rather than bomb them. Bombing them has not worked, clearly, and so talking with them would naturally be the only other option. Yet peace, when pursued by Trump, is unacceptable to his political enemies, regardless of how much carnage and death would result from their satisfied collective ego.

There is much about Trump to criticize, but his detractors appear to oppose his every action out of spite, even if he does something that aligns with their political or moral beliefs. Trump is against war? Then they are for it. Trump throws out chickenhawk warmonger John Bolton? Then they screech into the blue about the injustice of it all. The insincerity has entered the surreal, and revealed that vanishingly few with a platform hold any hard and fast principles.

Author: S. Smith