What do the Saudis do with all those U.S. weapons?

What do the Saudis do with all those U.S. weapons?

Do they really just use and stockpile them? Or are they arming their proxies? Trump’s multi-billion dollar deal with the Saudis brings this to mind. It’s a well-known fact that the Saudis have funded Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, does this not make anyone uneasy? The most virulent, flag-waving supporters of the War on Terror have seemed unconcerned about their government’s relationship with this totalitarian Islamic state. I’ve asked these people about it, they just shrug. How can it be that they don’t care? The Iranians are apparently more of threat than this theocratic dictatorship that oppresses its own people in a way that can only be described as medieval. And so we must worry about, and punish, the Iranians, a country whose only crime appears to be a refusal to play ball with the U.S.

By allowing our government to engage in massive weapons deals with this Islamic totalitarian state, that also controls our government via the petrodollar, we are setting ourselves up for something truly horrific down the road. There is no telling what else is promised or exchanged hands under the table. The people of the Mideast have an aversion to paper money, wisely so. They demand payment in something real. Weapons, yes, but also gold. How much U.S. gold now sits in Saudi coffers? This “alliance” is dangerous, short-term thinking of the worst sort, and our kids will get stiffed with the tab.

Author: S. Smith