School injects students with insulin by mistake, resulting in one overdose. Families are suing.

School injects students with insulin by mistake, resulting in one overdose. Families are suing.

Here’s a good example of why it’s a bad idea to mingle education and medical procedures. Many have pointed out the fact that if any of those students had been diabetic, the school would’ve had a death on their hands. Now everyone involved is getting sued, and the families will probably get a sizable pay-out. Litigation is the answer here.

The most outrageous part of the story, though, is that, once the school realized its mistake, it told the students not to tell their parents about the mishap. The student that OD’d also was not administered medical aid at the school. The parents evidently arrived to find their child unconscious in a chair.

Public schools have no business administering medical procedures, including vaccines. The personnel, more often than not, isn’t competent. Shots, and everything else, must be done in a doctor’s office, with parents present.

Author: S. Smith