US diplomat’s wife kills kid on UK road, claims diplomatic immunity, flees the country

19-year old Harry Dunn was driving his motorcycle near a military base on August 27th when he was struck head-on by Anne Sacoolas, wife of a US diplomat, killing him. Because Sacoolas is American, and was probably drunk, she had been driving on the wrong side of the road at the time. She claimed diplomatic immunity and fled the country in an act of abject cowardice. It has now become an international incident, with Dunn’s parents unrelenting in their pursuit of justice for their boy. It has become an international incident, with the British public as well as many in the US demanding justice for Dunn. England now says that Sacoolas’ return to the UK is “non-negotiable‘, as her diplomatic immunity privileges have been revoked, but should never have been invoked as a shield against the consequences of killing someone in the first place.

The arrogance of the Political Class is on display here. Sacoolas believed she could get away with the killing by using her credentials as a member of the political establishment. Dragging her back to England to face justice would at least remind others in a similar station that they are not above the law.

One more point: some have said that the guilt and grief felt by Sacoolas will haunt her for the rest of her life, and will be punishment in and of itself. I disagree. I don’t know Sacoolas, but I’ve known people who have no capacity to feel guilt, remorse, or grief. Most of us have probably been acquainted with someone at one point in our lives who clearly has only their own interests at heart, and would sleep well regardless of whatever atrocity they inadvertently caused that day. These people are preternaturally skilled at making convincing displays of guilt and remorse once they’ve been caught, but only then. If they can get away with it, then they go on as if nothing has happened. Just look at OJ Simpson, who appears well-fed and well-rested and with untroubled mind every time he appears in public. No person with functioning emotional capacity could endure the ensuing inner darkness after committing such an act.


Why not allow Sacoolas to be extradited and tried in England? If found guilty, as she would certainly be, why not toss her in an English prison for a year or two? It would be long enough to ponder the meaning of her actions, to think upon the death that she caused.

Author: S. Smith