A note on corporate distrust and vaccine orthodoxy

In the spirit of using this space also as an arena to think out loud, I’d like to get one thought in print regarding the traditional distrust of large corporations by the Democratic party, the party that happens to be spearheading the various vaccine mandate bills in state legislatures across the country. The rhetoric of that party has always been that of a deep-seated distrust of enormous, impersonal companies that appear to be far too cozy with the government. That distrust extends to Pharma, that globe-spanning, colossal conglomeration of corporations that mass produce deadly, insanity-inducing drugs, various Frankenstein GMO products, et cetera. Yet the distrust stops at the feet of their vaccine division And not only stops, it inverts into enthusiastic support, to the point that the Democratic party would actively push to mandate this particular pharmaceutical product. The only one that happens to be completely shielded from lawsuits, in the event that someone is injured or dies.

The cognitive dissonance must be jarring, to say the least.

Instead, the party that has always been branded as the tool of industry, the Republican party, has stepped up to oppose legislative mandates. They’ve also been the sole party to acknowledge the existence of vaccine injury, and to give recognition to the growing community of vaccine-injured U.S. citizens. The Democratic party has done neither. It’s members act as a single entity on the topic of vaccines, bizarrely. And if there ever existed a party that allowed itself to be used as a tool of industry, on the vaccine question the Democratic party is surely it.