Re-blogging a Facebook post from the group ‘Hear This Well‘ in its entirety for preservation in the event of some kind of social media Night of the Long Knives-style censorship blitz:
“Is anyone else as sick of this s**t as we are? How many more casualties before the country decides enough is enough? How many more children have to be injured?
From Soleil’s dad, Van Blue: “After receiving high doses of Immunoglobulin treatments Soleil is finally starting to show signs of improvement! She is walking a little better and her energetic personality has returned! All CSF test have come back negative which means her GBS was not caused by a viral infection! Which is confirmation that it was caused by the Flu Vaccine which she received on October 2nd. She will need Physical Therapy and still has a long road to recovery, but God is amazing and all of your prayers have been answered!
“I never want to see this happen to another kid again and advise all parents to research the medicines and foods we give our kids! I will do my part to raise awareness and educate more people on the dangers of vaccines! These warnings and information are ignored far too often and unfortunately most wait until it becomes reality to take it seriously!”
Jennifer Margulis, PhD, points out: Mark Zuckerberg’s
have been programmed to keep you from seeing this post, which is why your feed’s likely full of friends showing off the Snoopy bandaids they got after the flu shot…”
Severe injuries like this man’s daughter’s are made all the more horrific due to the fact that vaccine injury is looked at by the medical/regulatory/political Establishment as a sort of hoax illness, something non-existent, or in the case of many of the Gardasil victims, psychosomatic. The vaccine-injured are part of a marginalized, but growing, class of people that very few people in power care about at all, because to recognize vaccine injury would be to shine a light
The entire vaccine delusion hinges on the majority not becoming aware of the facts regarding vaccine safety. The majority not only believe that every vaccine is “safe and effective”, but also that if they were to pose any question regarding vaccine safety, no matter how minor, they would be branded an “anti-vaxxer”, a “conspiracy theorist”, or some other Ruling Class pejorative designed to keep the masses shamed into silent, obedient conformity.
I hope this father makes a loud, unceasing, and very public stink about what happened to his daughter, what caused it, and the dangers of the flu vaccine that no one knows about until it happens to them.