Study: DTaP vaccine increases lifetime susceptibility to pertussis infection

The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines–Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future

“In the last 13 years, major pertussis epidemics have occurred in the United States, and numerous studies have shown the deficiencies of DTaP vaccines, including the small number of antigens that the vaccines contain and the type of cellular immune response that they elicit. The type of cellular response a predominantly, T2 response results in less efficacy and shorter duration of protection. Because of the small number of antigens (3-5 in DTaP vaccines vs >3000 in DTwP vaccines), linked-epitope suppression occurs. Because of linked-epitope suppression, all children who were primed by DTaP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes, and there is no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility.”

The solution, of course, is not to bring back the dangerous, immune system-wrecking DTP vaccine. The deaths and encephalopathy that resulted from DTP, and the many lawsuits brought by the parents of injured children, led to the National Vaccine Injury Act, along with blanket legal immunity afforded to vaccine manufacturers.

Is it really any surprise that the Afghanistan war has been a lie all along?

The Washington Post recently published classified communications that seemingly prove that everyone up and down the chain of command knew that the Afghan war was one giant whopper the whole time. The media darlings of the donor class are talking about it. “Think pieces” are being written, excoriating this state of affairs.

Jimmy Dore had a great line on the 18th anniversary of the war: “The Afghanistan war is now old enough to fight in the Afghanistan war”. So after 18 years, and more money spent there than was spent in the Marshall Plan after World War 2, nothing much has changed in that faraway land, and lies sustained the entire enterprise.

What I want to know is this: why is anyone surprised? Writers and reporters have been shouting about this expensive, murderous, wasteful mess for years. Few have been listening, though. Only now, even many of the people who lukewarmly supported the Afghanistan war, or didn’t have the spine or interest to say anything, now oppose it. And now I see all the mainstream writers suddenly find the courage to write some bold piece about how Afghanistan is a travesty. What I want to know is this: where were you when it mattered? Summer soldiers are coming out the woodwork, and their newly-found self-righteousness is nauseating.

First of all, it has never been a war. It’s been an occupation by a foreign power. The U.S. military has occupied Afghanistan for 18 years, performing police actions, and fighting off any natives who become angry enough to fight back.

And we’ve known it was an expensive lie. How could anyone not see that the United States’ longest, most expensive war ever, was not producing anything remotely resembling “progress”? They didn’t even have a clear idea of what progress would look like, and they couldn’t communicate it to the public. But everyone, the public, the media, our own government, didn’t even care about this war. It was placed on the back burner, and ignored. The “Afghanistan War” became almost a fact of nature, the very archetype of perpetual war. Everyone saw the truth, but for 18 years no one cared. That is the real travesty.