Study: DTaP vaccine increases lifetime susceptibility to pertussis infection

The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines–Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future

“In the last 13 years, major pertussis epidemics have occurred in the United States, and numerous studies have shown the deficiencies of DTaP vaccines, including the small number of antigens that the vaccines contain and the type of cellular immune response that they elicit. The type of cellular response a predominantly, T2 response results in less efficacy and shorter duration of protection. Because of the small number of antigens (3-5 in DTaP vaccines vs >3000 in DTwP vaccines), linked-epitope suppression occurs. Because of linked-epitope suppression, all children who were primed by DTaP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes, and there is no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility.”

The solution, of course, is not to bring back the dangerous, immune system-wrecking DTP vaccine. The deaths and encephalopathy that resulted from DTP, and the many lawsuits brought by the parents of injured children, led to the National Vaccine Injury Act, along with blanket legal immunity afforded to vaccine manufacturers.

Is it really any surprise that the Afghanistan war has been a lie all along?

The Washington Post recently published classified communications that seemingly prove that everyone up and down the chain of command knew that the Afghan war was one giant whopper the whole time. The media darlings of the donor class are talking about it. “Think pieces” are being written, excoriating this state of affairs.

Jimmy Dore had a great line on the 18th anniversary of the war: “The Afghanistan war is now old enough to fight in the Afghanistan war”. So after 18 years, and more money spent there than was spent in the Marshall Plan after World War 2, nothing much has changed in that faraway land, and lies sustained the entire enterprise.

What I want to know is this: why is anyone surprised? Writers and reporters have been shouting about this expensive, murderous, wasteful mess for years. Few have been listening, though. Only now, even many of the people who lukewarmly supported the Afghanistan war, or didn’t have the spine or interest to say anything, now oppose it. And now I see all the mainstream writers suddenly find the courage to write some bold piece about how Afghanistan is a travesty. What I want to know is this: where were you when it mattered? Summer soldiers are coming out the woodwork, and their newly-found self-righteousness is nauseating.

First of all, it has never been a war. It’s been an occupation by a foreign power. The U.S. military has occupied Afghanistan for 18 years, performing police actions, and fighting off any natives who become angry enough to fight back.

And we’ve known it was an expensive lie. How could anyone not see that the United States’ longest, most expensive war ever, was not producing anything remotely resembling “progress”? They didn’t even have a clear idea of what progress would look like, and they couldn’t communicate it to the public. But everyone, the public, the media, our own government, didn’t even care about this war. It was placed on the back burner, and ignored. The “Afghanistan War” became almost a fact of nature, the very archetype of perpetual war. Everyone saw the truth, but for 18 years no one cared. That is the real travesty.

Study of 7,000 Scots finds link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s

From earlier this year, but very relevant.

Relevant, because aluminum is used as a primary adjuvant in pediatric vaccines. The hepatitis B vaccine, given on the first day of life, contains 250 mcg of aluminum. Several months later, an infant is given multiple injections at once, with varying levels of aluminum, all in one doctor’s visit. How are these vaccines, and adjuvants, interacting with one another? No one knows, because there have never been tests done to ensure the safety of combining vaccines. This is something that would never be done with any other pharmaceutical, yet it occurs regularly in regard to vaccines. Children regularly receive the live-virus MMR vaccine in conjunction with the aluminum-boosted Dtap. How is the aluminum affecting the body’s response to the MMR? The aluminum is used to trigger an immune response so the body will manufacture antibodies. But what else is the body manufacturing antibodies to fend off? Could it be that the vaccine induces the production of antibodies for proteins present throughout the recipient’s body? Is this why almost every vaccine injury manifests as an autoimmune disorder, where the recipient’s immune system begins attacking the body? This is a scandal of mammoth proportions, the biggest that the pharmaceutical industry will have ever seen. It might cause the public to lose faith in the vaccine program, but if the true severe injury rate is closer to 10 or 15%, then that program does not deserve the faith of the public.

Note: The main defense of the use of aluminum as an adjuvant is that everyone unwittingly consumes aluminum everyday through various foods. True, but this aluminum is filtered out by our gastro-intestinal system. The vaccine bypasses this miracle of evolution and goes straight into the muscle, the blood, and much of it ends up in the brain.

This sanguine attitude toward aluminum in pediatric vaccines is surreal, as the presence of aluminum in other consumer products is fretted over. Think about the collective realization that our bodies have been absorbing the aluminum present in antiperspirants. We shouldn’t blindly defer to authority, particularly on a matter concerning the health and safety of our infant children. We should open our eyes and use our own minds on the matter.

RFK Jr.: The vaccine injury epidemic “is the worst thing that has ever happened in human history. We are living in a science fiction nightmare.”

A wonderfully detailed report has been published in the Iowa Standard of RFK Jr.’s keynote speech at the Empowered to Action 2019 conference in Iowa.

From the article:

He(Kennedy) added that many in the generation of children born after Congress gave pharmaceutical companies blanket immunity from being held liable for vaccine injuries and deaths will never write a poem, go out on a date, have a conversation with peers or use a toilet.

Kennedy said he has seen children living with a fate “worse than death” and that is what has compelled him to give up other causes to focus on this critical issue.

“This is the worst thing that’s ever happened in human history,” Kennedy said. “We are living in a science fiction nightmare…

“I don’t want to believe that people are deliberately making a generation of our children sick so that they can sell them drugs for life,” he said. “But the evidence of that is now overwhelming. We have traded a handful of harmless, mild, self-limiting childhood rashes, I’m not even going to call them diseases, they’re rashes that are all treatable and all curable. And we’re trading them for a tsunami of chronic diseases, none of which are curable. None of them. They’re all life sentences.”

Is public faith in vaccines so important as to continue to smear, ridicule, and ignore the rapidly increasing population of vaccine injured?

Most people just don’t realize that there’s another side to story of vaccine safety, as they have been fed a continuous diet of one side their entire life. They don’t know that over $4 billion has been paid out to vaccine-injured children and young adults since 1986, and that only 1% of injuries are ever even reported as vaccine-related to VAERS. Almost no one knows that the vaccine injury court has paid settlements to children that developed autism immediately after a barrage of vaccines. Almost no one knows that the Hepatitis B vaccine, given on the first day of life, contains 250 mcg of aluminum, a known neurotoxin, the likely culprit in Alzheimer’s, as well as the brain damage that occurs shortly after a vaccine and results in autism. This is not known because it would bring the charade back down to Earth, and public faith would understandably dry up. People would demand real answers, and a multi-decade scandal would unravel in broad daylight.

Should there be a vaccine program? If they can be proven safe, then sure. But the choice should be with the parents. No more of the hateful shaming that many pediatricians engage in on a regular basis if a parent so much as hesitates to inject their child with multiple foreign substances. No more of this Inquisition-like religious fervor regarding a pharmaceutical product.

RFK Jr. exposes Peter Hotez for the Pharma sycophant that he is

Pretty succinct Insta post from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.. This must be why Hotez is so terrified to debate him. For what it’s worth, I have no idea how to share full posts from Instagram, so I do a simple cut/paste. Here is the original post.Image may contain: one or more people and text

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:
Peter Hotez seeks a public apology because I called him a “vaccine industry shill”. Hotez portrays himself as a Franciscan stoic whose deep compassion for the poor caused him to trade the riches and prestige of a promising medical career for the cloistered life of an impoverished laboratory scientist. “I have no Pharma links”. His selfless and single-minded preoccupation is a hookworm vaccine, which Pharma neglects due to the poverty of its African victims. Hotez’s ruefully chants “I’ll never make money on my vaccines”. In fact, Hotez has accepted $13.8– $70 million from Bill Gates for his many vaccine development projects and for replacing the scandal-scarred Paul Offit as Pharma’s leading pitchman. Strategic philanthropy and massive investments in vaccine makers Merck, Pfizer, and GSK have given Gates control over global health policy, the speartip of corporate neo-imperialism. Shilling for pharma allowed Hotez to leverage a $200K payoff from NIH’s grateful vaccine mafia to launch his own vaccine company, Biomedsyn, to monetize his taxpayer funded research. Hotez sermonizes about poor Africans but his business partner, vaccine financier Frank Volvovitz admits their goal is making a killing marketing hookworm remedies to 200 million affluent Chinese who carry the parasite, and in the $1B veterinary market deworming livestock. Off guard Hotez giddily muses that his nematode is a “self-contained pharmaceutical factory” Hotez is bullish about milking hookworms for profitable anti-cancer drugs and an anti-coagulant that will give him a foothold in the $500m blood thinner space. His NIH cronies slipped Hotez $2.5M to jump start his Chinese enterprise. Hotez is courting vaccine companies for added investment. Hotez’s claim that he takes no money from Pharma is a lie. Lies are his livelihood Hotez’s hero Jonas Salk triggered the worse polio outbreak in US history in 1955 with his untested vaccine then tried to hide that it contained a carcinogenic monkey-virus SV40 that is suspect in the soft tissue cancer explosion among baby boomers. Salk told Hotez that he didn’t believe in God; “Vaccines are my religion” Hotez says dreamily, “I think about that every day.”

An imagination fit for liberty

There has to have been thousands of books written on the woolly, will o’ the wisp topic of “liberty” over the years, innumerable debates, conflicts fought, wars, and oceans of blood spilled, all in its name. And despite all this, the foundational axiom of liberty is almost painfully simple to grasp. It is essentially this: that every single voluntary interaction, exchange, or instance of cooperation is permitted. All coercive acts are prohibited. All trade, all innovation, all entrepreneurship, every mode of living, every experiment imaginable, is permitted. I think that this is fairly simple to grasp for most people. But understanding only this does little to instill the sense of wonder and hope that this idea has created in all those people who’ve clung to it in the manner of the religious convert, or someone who’s seen the face of God or some similar occurrence. Those people, aside from understanding the foundational concept of liberty, have made the mental leap to using their imagination to envision a future built around this ideal. It’s only once your mind begins, almost of its own volition, to apply this principle of voluntarism to every aspect of the social world does it ignite the imagination, which is essential for the transformative effect to take place, which lights a fire inside the mind of the hapless individual in whom liberty was planted like a seed. Or maybe a time bomb?

All of that is why I believe that, for liberty to truly be achieved in our lifetime(one of many slogans from the Ron Paul era), its acolytes, activists, and prophets must use the power of imagination as their greatest tool. None of those massive treatises matter if we are unable to grasp and communicate in an imaginative way.

To effect liberty, all we need to do is steadily remove the legislative controls that bind us down without our even knowing it. The suppression of voluntary interaction is the greatest, and only true, societal ill, because it lies behind every problem we face. But the only way to effectively communicate this is by capturing the imagination of the public, guiding them to see for themselves, in their mind, what would be possible if only we made the leap.

The ideal of liberty is a real-world philosophy of hope, one that I would call the true “manifest destiny” of our species. Witnessing what we are capable of when we are given even a modicum of freedom is enough evidence to envision what we could accomplish were we free in an absolute sense. I think most people in this country are primed for it. They see now, with their own eyes, what cannabis legalization has accomplished in just two years. All it took was a removal of control, and human ingenuity, imagination, innovation, and entrepreneurship swept in and produced a real-world miracle. A miracle in the true sense of the word, a true revolution. True progress, blindingly rapid progress. This was made possible through simply removing controls that had been in effect for almost a century. Let’s now apply that simple principle to other aspects of our social world. Healthcare, for instance. It is a market currently chained to the ground by a mare’s nest of regulations and prohibitions, all designed to keep the politically-connected fat and rich. We don’t need to arrest anyone, or incite mobs in the street. All we need to do is remove the controls. Just imagine what would be possible.

We vastly underrate our potential as a species. Liberty is the key through what could be described as a dream-door to an unimaginably bright future. We’re ready for it, why not simply walk through?

Scientific American censors writer who questions medical profession’s god-like status and attitude

On November 26th, the Scientific American published a wonderfully insightful piece by Jennifer Block, entitled, Doctors are Not Gods, wherein she criticized the elitist, and increasingly authoritarian, attitude of the healthcare profession, and the hatred that profession has for any non-credentialed promoter of healthcare at odds with their directives.

Well, the cowards at Scientific American quickly removed the piece, because it is not there anymore. In its place is the boilerplate, “The post that originally appeared here has been removed because we’ve determined that it doesn’t meet our editorial standards.”

Good thing it’s been archived then, and can be READ HERE.

I’d say that if a piece of writing is deemed dangerous or subversive enough for Scientific American to censor it, it deserves to be read in its entirety. But her eloquent take-down of oversensitive, over-credentialed Jan Gunter alone is worth it.

EDIT: Block mentions that Jan Gunter occasionally refers to Gwyneth Paltrow’s company, Goop, as part of some insidious “health industrial complex” that is taking advantage of gullible customers. Gunter apparently doesn’t understand to what “-industrial complex” refers. A purely private company operating in an open market, free of government regulation and privilege, isn’t deserving of the pejorative. What does deserve the label of “health industrial complex” is the hyper-regulated, guilded, privileged industry that Gunter is a part of. The medical establishment does not operate in an environment that is anywhere near a market. It is rife with monopolistic rigging and corruption. It exists in its present corrupt state only due to the privileges afforded to it by the government. Remove those privileges and the whole thing will dissipate.