Oregon movement to legalize therapeutic psilocybin gets support from Dem. Congressman

Oregon movement to legalize therapeutic psilocybin gets support from Dem. Congressman

Oregon activists are currently gathering signatures to get the Psilocybin Services Act on the ballot in the state, which would allow licensed facilities to administer psilocybin on site in a safe and supervised environment. The movement has also earned the support of Democratic Congressman Earl Blumenaur, who was a vocal proponent of marijuana legalization.

Psilocybin has proven its power as a true “anti-depressant” that has succeeded where other, synthetic Pharma drugs have failed. The FDA has called it a “breakthrough therapy” for depression, and has shown an 80% success rate in smoking cessation. A psilocybin nasal spray has also been developed to treat PTSD and depression. This is truly unbelievable. Really, we need to pause and appreciate what is happening. The dogma of a century regarding drug prohibition is crumbling like a salt idol in Gomorrah. People are shaking off the chains they didn’t even know were there, and taking back their lives and their liberty.

We are living in strange, fascinating, and wonderful times. We have all witnessed a true miracle within the last three years: the cascading legalization of cannabis, along with the beautiful, blossoming innovation and entrepreneurship that has followed. It’s a real-world miracle for hundreds of thousands of people, and if everyone would stop looking to the sky or the government for miracles, they would see it as such.

The Psychedelic Renaissance is here. Pharma is a dinosaur, and their poisoned pill mills will follow them into extinction. The people will soon have easy and cheap access to an even greater variety of real medicine, and real healing will begin to occur. We are witness to a turning point in human evolution, in the sense that we are becoming more human. Yes, that is very optimistic, particularly so given the fact that many of us are addicted to various apocalypse prophecies, an admittedly very human trait. But the world is getting better. Contra Greta Thunberg, this past decade has been the most prosperous, strange, and interesting, that our species has ever created. We are living through an historical and evolutionary turning point. Maybe it’s more like a hockey stick. Let’s pause to appreciate that, and assist this free evolution as far and wide as possible.

Author: S. Smith