Bill Gates’ fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine gets liability immunity

Bill Gates has featured prominently within COVID-19 news coverage, and that is no accident. He wants his name on the miracle vaccine that emerges, and so he is pumping millions into its rapid development. But coronavirus vaccines have a documented history of being among the most dangerous kind, inducing an “immune enhancement effect” in recipients, meaning that it makes them more susceptible to a future natural infection. And so he wants liability immunity for the resulting vaccine, so much so that he will refuse to provide it to any nation that refuses his demand of complete legal immunity.

Kentucky state troopers record plate numbers, place quarantine notices on cars outside of church parking lots

The kind of thing that will make you lose faith in your government and fellow citizen.

The pastor noted that he found nails dumped at church parking lot entrances.  The article also states that the police received multiple complaints alleging church services being held across the state, meaning that neighbor is now snitching on neighbor. The decivilizing/rebarbarizing social forces are at work, silently and inexorably severing social bonds and overpowering the humanizing forces of a free and open society.

A 0.4% mortality rate does not justify martial law

German researchers have calculated a preliminary COVID-19 mortality rate of just .4%, which is nowhere near 4% death rate and prophesies of mass death that the public have been subjected to for weeks. And it will continue to fall as more data emerges. This does not justify martial law in the United States in the slightest. This does not justify power-grabs by local and state governments, and it does not justify the total obliteration of liberty. It does not justify a government-induced Great Depression, mass unemployment, and the unraveling of the social fabric. One thing we are learning is that leaders at the local, state, and federal level, are not going to relinquish their newfound power voluntarily. It is up to the citizenry to put the pressure on them in a peaceful, non-violent way. We must also reject rule by “experts”. The official experts during the coronavirus mass hysteria have been consistently wrong, yet they still appear on television with “revised” estimates of what the future holds. Anthony Fauci is chief among them, as his predictions have been refuted by reality as each day passes. We can’t stay locked down until November as he suggests. Why is he still getting airtime? His remedy only benefits his true employer Bill Gates, not the United States. The U.S. that emerges from a six-month lock-down will look nothing like the one that entered. That’s a future that must not be allowed to happen.