Lockdown Rebellion 2020

What a beautiful sight to see the many thousands of protesters, mad as hell, summon the courage to swarm their capitol and demand their liberty returned to them. Let’s make 2020 the year of the second American Revolution; a peaceful, yet firm, reassertion of our rights that has been long overdue. Overdue by about a century. Let’s take back the narrative: this is about our future as a free society, and there are clearly bugs in the system if our liberty can be completely snuffed out in the span of a week.

Our children must never grow up in a world currently envisioned by Bill Gates and his army of toadies. They deserve at least as much freedom as we grew up with, and no less. But to preserve that, we must enlist in the greatest intellectual battle of our lives.

No one is coming to save you; no god, no messiah, no hero. Your back is against the wall, and there is no way out. The bright and free future that you’ve envisioned for your children and grandchildren is on the chopping block, and the butcher is mid-swing. Will you muster your courage, when you know that no one else is coming to do it for you?

If you’re breathing, you’ve got a voice. If you’re above ground, you can do something. There’s no way out now. If this isn’t stopped and reversed, the future will be one of a tightly controlled and monitored society, where everyone is wearing the Gates/Fauci dog collar, and the carefree, open society that we grew up in, is gone forever.

At the moment, the future appears black as night. But we can change that. People like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the rest have existed since the dawn of mankind. They’ve carried spears, slaughtered virgins, created religions and cults and rigid totalitarian belief systems. They’ve driven tanks, designed bombs, killed and murdered millions at the behest of a god, devil, or ideology. They sincerely believe that they are good, the quality that makes them so dangerous.

They’ve always existed, and they always will. But defenders of liberty have always been there, too, to meet them and stop them. The human race has made it this far due to the work by those who rose to the challenge rather than resign themselves to whatever fate might deal them. They’ve stopped the world-improvers from murdering the world, or transforming the human race into their desired slave society.

It’s time to stop it. History has shown that it can be done, that liberty can be restored, and its defenses made more sturdy after the fact. We wouldn’t have made it this far as a species if it weren’t possible. But it takes action and resolve, and a faith that your voice does matter, that your act of speaking out will empower at least one other person to do the same. But it takes that most difficult of acts: a single step forward into thin air. Do it. The future depends on it. Throw yourself into the greatest intellectual battle for liberty we will ever be a part of.

There is no conflict between liberty and security

Authoritarians love to trot out the liberty/security trade-off in order to justify their criminal acts, as we see almost every day now.They’re keeping us safe, we’re told. We won’t miss that small amount of liberty they’ve taken, we’re told. Well, I think now we can see fairly clearly what happens when government takes all our freedom in one gluttonous bite: 22 million tossed out of work, social unrest at the boiling point, a nation of petty tyrants that are running buck wild over their hapless communities.

There is no trade-off between liberty and security. Our security derives from our liberty. The more secure we are in our rights as citizens, the safer we are.  Our liberty protects us from the one institution that poses the greatest threat to our safety: the government.  A new virus doesn’t suddenly nullify our rights, but we must assert our right to be free if we ever want to retain those rights and pass them on to our children and grandchildren.