Hospitals have a huge financial incentive to inflate COVID-19 deaths, place patients on ventilators

USA Today fact-checked the claim being made about hospitals getting paid more for patients listed as COVID-19, and three times as much if that patient needs a ventilator, and found it to be true.

I wonder how many were placed on a ventilator unnecessarily and wound up dying as a result? If so, it’s another massive scandal brewing. From this Time article:

“Generally speaking, 40% to 50% of patients with severe respiratory distress die while on ventilators, experts say. But 80% or more of coronavirus patients placed on the machines in New York City have died, state and city officials say.”

The term ‘ventilator’ itself doesn’t convey what actually occurs when a patient is made to use it. The patient must first be put into a medically-induced coma. Next, a breathing tube is inserted into the lungs. Patients are kept in this comatose state for weeks at a time. Could you imagine being stuck inside a hospital with doctors and administrators with an enormous financial incentive to list you as a COVID-19 patient and then force you into a weeks’-long coma on a machine that could very well kill you? Has that been happening in hospitals in NYC?

Author: S. Smith