Descent into a new Dark Age

Descent into a new Dark Age

I’ve previously made the point that ‘contact tracing’, where a horde of government thugs attempts to identify and test all the people that have come into contact with a COVID-positive individual, is a fool’s errand. We’re expected to believe that these people, who receive probably less than a week or so of training, will end up rooting out and testing thousands of people for every single infected person? There isn’t enough time or money in the universe to complete the task, but this may be the entire point. Just as the many foreign wars during the past two decades were never actually meant to be ‘won’, the ‘contact tracing’ boondoggle is probably meant to be more of a germ quagmire than a policy with an actual goal or endpoint, and it will end up being Pharma’s equivalent of Vietnam.  That this evil/moronic notion is actually taken seriously by most of our leaders is a testament to the power of propaganda, and fear. To even attempt to carry out the task would involved the violation of every right and dignity that remain to US citizens. There is no way to even begin without steamrolling over liberty. What happens when they find a COVID-positive? Do they forcibly isolate them? Remove them from their family? Where will they store them while they run around the country, looking for more people to lock up?

Now, sit back and marvel at how a secret police has arrived in the United States of America. Under the guise of a virus threat, a domestic army of snoops and snitches (what kind of power will they have?) is being raised. The corporate press has been publishing many stories of Americans who have shown aggression in the face of mandatory masks. I believe this intentional, in order to manufacture consent for the next revelation of the truth of the Tracer Army: they will be armed. The media will tell us that they fear for their lives, and so they need guns. And when an uncooperative COVID-positive is shot by one of these Tracers, we will hear of their aggressiveness, how they ranted about their Constitutional rights as they died. And we’ll hear a familiar refrain from the federal thug: “I was in fear of my life!”

The danger of COVID-19 for anyone under 60 is almost non-existent. It’s not dangerous to children. We’ve known this for months, and yet, here we are amid a government-created economic collapse, the rise of a Pandemic Police State, and the emergence of a strange new religion of hygiene, before which we all must submit. The State and Church are becoming one again, it’s drawing up strict tenets, and building an army to enforce them. The open, free society that we’ve taken for granted is vanishing before our eyes under the weight of the medieval superstition of invisible demons moving silently among us, waiting to snatch our souls. Our only salvation is by way of obeying the new commandments, wearing the new burqa, accepting the sacrament in whatever form it may come (vaccine, pill, et cetera). Punishment for transgressions include forced isolation, repentance. Or banishment for irredeemable heretic.

Off-topic: I’ve gained a newfound respect for the smoker amid the current medieval descent into herd madness. There’s something both defiant and refreshing about seeing a cigarette dangling loosely from someone’s mouth as they go about their day, and they stand out like a sore thumb among the hypochondriac horde, as they huff their own carbon dioxide and look for signs of Doomsday. Just as the mask is a sign of submission to the new hygiene fundamentalism, the cigarette is a symbol of the total rejection of this the sterile ideology. I would never recommend smoking to anyone, just as I would never recommend wearing a mask, both of which suffocate the user. But the smoker has no illusions about his habit, he’s not signalling obedience to anyone. If we emerge from this submersion into a new Dark Age, it will due to people who weren’t afraid to reject the COVID ideology that has so rapidly engulfed our age.

Author: S. Smith