Month: May 2020
Colorado removes 272 fatalities from official COVID death toll
Falsely inflating the body count isn’t as important now that they’ve received that sweet sweet COVID cash.
The toll is now 878.
Contact tracing enables stalkers
New Zealand woman stalked by Subway employee after filling out a contact-tracing form. The form is a requirement to eat at the restaurant.
UNICEF: Lock-downs could result in 6,000 additional child deaths each day
Do the COVID cultists care about these deaths? Or is this just a dry statistic to them, lost amid their heavy diet of coronavirus propaganda?
Over 60% of Massachusetts COVID deaths occurred in nursing homes
And out of over 5,000 deaths, only 246 were people under 60 years of age.
If this were about protecting the vulnerable, nursing homes would’ve been given priority protection. Instead they were forced to accept COVID-positive patients.
This is not about a virus.
Germ fundamentalism has arrived
I don’t really know what else to call what I see when I go out, or turn on the news, except that a new religious fundamentalism is spreading like a cancer before our eyes. The superstitious fear of an invisible phantom killer moving silently through the masses, the behavioral tenets handed down from On High, the blind worship of ‘Science’, lashing out at non-believers, spreading the gospel of the End of Days, where a Great Flood (in this case, a virus) has been unleashed by an angry god in order to cleanse the Earth of non-believers. The parallels are endless.
As the great Morgan Smith has said, the mask is the new burka, serving a purpose similar to that of the burka. It is a sign of obedience, of submission and allegiance, to the new religion and the new god. Just look how natural it is for us as a species to backpedal straight into the gaping maw of the God State, where religion and authority exist as one. Too many of us are allowing ourselves to be seduced by the easy slavery that this will lead to. Resisting it, though, takes an act of will that not too many possess.
Sure, the acolytes of this reworked fundamentalism speak of Science, but when they do all I hear is God. As I’ve said before, we’re hardwired to seek out a god, and to place it in a position of absolute authority. We’re watching that process play out in broad daylight right in front of us.
And why do most of these people become highly offended when they encounter evidence that the virus may be fading away? Why do they seem not to care about the effects of lockdown on mortality and health? Because it’s a religion they’ve accepted, whether they know it or not.
And really, the news makes much more sense when you realize that millions of people are in thrall to a new religion.
What once appeared insane, now has a pattern, and a logic, however perverse it may be.
Tweet of the Day
The story: Pennsylvania health secretary moved mother out of nursing home while forcing them to accept COVID patients
Backpedaling into fascism
Look how easy it is. One thing that virus mania has reminded us of, is that the human race is just as much a primitive, superstitious species as it has always been. We still have our shamans, priests, and soothsayers, only they’re now part of the class of “experts” that world governments surround themselves with, and whose opinions, while almost universally wrong, seem to always provide the rationale for expanding the power and scope of the government they serve. How is failed statistical modeller Neil Ferguson different from the tea leaf readers from pre-history? He might as well have read our Tarot, it would’ve caused less damage to world economies.
As seen on Twitter.