The lunatic mob brings nihilism and the total State, nothing more

The lunatic mob brings nihilism and the total State, nothing more

It’s both sickening and ominous to witness political leaders acquiesce to the violent mobs that have sprung up shortly after George Floyd’s murder. Watching politicians march with them, even ordering the police to not interfere even when the lives and livelihoods of other innocents are in danger, is an outrage. While there are members of the protests that appear to be voicing coherent demands for much-needed policy change, for the most part they are drowned out by the cacophony of the teeming throng that surrounds them. What we’re witnessing though is the lockdown-scattered napalm finally being lit. And ironically the ones getting burned are those that also suffered the most through the COVID police state.

The rage was already there, the anger, the social chaos awaiting its moment to vent. Is all this really about George Floyd? His murder was horrible, but so have been the many others who have died at the hands of police. Why isn’t Breonna Taylor’s death receiving the amount of attention and outrage that Floyd’s has? Taylor, a nurse, was gunned down in her own apartment while she slept by cops shooting wildly through a dark apartment.

Would the mobs and demonstrators even care about Floyd if his death hadn’t been reported continuously by the corporate media? We know the answer. This appears to be Act 2 of a propaganda wave designed to sow chaos. And we know from Jimmy Dore, as well as our recent experience with the coronavirus hoax, that chaos benefits the powerful. The protesters are, unfortunately, being used as unwitting tools to achieve the necessary level of chaos.

A mob wants nothing other than destruction. There is no appeasing it, there is no reasoning with it. It is an atavistic resurgence and release of primitive drives, mindless and instinctual. But the entire Political Class, along with celebrities, athletes, actors, socialites, and virtually everyone in the public eye are bowing before this rapidly coalescing political juggernaut, and in almost the same way as they bowed before the coronavirus narrative. Most people were to afraid to question that narrative, just as they are now too afraid to question the narrative of the riots. What comes next?

Author: S. Smith