NYC mayor De Blasio continues to harass Jewish community while giving a pass to mobs of protestors

NYC mayor De Blasio continues to harass Jewish community while giving a pass to mobs of protestors

De Blasio has the gates to a Jewish playground welded shut: This is why libertarians want to reduce government’s power, because you get people like this who wield it like a kid who finds his dad’s gun.

De Blasio asks contact tracers not to ask COVID-positive individuals if they’ve attended BLM protests: And this reveals several things: that it’s offensive to the privacy and dignity of the person being interrogated, and that COVID isn’t dangerous to the non-eldery adults attending these protests. And really, if anything positive does emerge from the protests, it will be the rapidly-attained herd immunity to COVID-19. These mostly under-50 people will develop natural, life-long immunity without the need for any vaccine or treatment.

Author: S. Smith