I think we’ve had enough of the pandemic charade

To a certain extent, I’ll play along with the coronavirus farce. I’ll keep my distance, stand on the blue dots in a check-out line. But that’s about as far as I’ll go. Using a freshly sanitized cart is ironically disgusting, as they are usually still wet from whatever chemical brew they’ve been dowsed with. I’ll take nature’s pathogens over sterile toxins any day. I still see people wearing the dangerous N95 masks, suffocating on their own carbon dioxide, as well as the middle-aged crowd scared out of their wits, and I think it’s high time we give up this superstitious fear over a phantom illness that poses a risk only to the very old and immunocompromised. Our sanity is at stake. Shutting down society over a mild infection is something only a hypochondriac would think a wise choice. And the news is apparently brainstorming with those rare people for whom the world outside their homes is a waking nightmare of germs. No, we are done with this charade. Those that want to cower in their homes should be allowed to. But they should have no influence over the lives of others. If they want to play Russian roulette with their lives by injecting a dangerous, untested coronavirus vaccine, let them. But don’t force me to do the same. I place my trust in the real miracle of evolution, the process that has gifted us with our miraculous immune system. We have evolved to handle mild infections and to develop and pass on a natural herd immunity to COVID-19, directly contributing to that evolutionary process. I can think of no act more dangerous than tampering with evolutionary forces, which is what is apparently being suggested with the fast-tracking of an RNA vaccine. Let’s ditch the crazy talk, and remove the crazies from power, before they sanitize us right off a cliff.