The destructive power of the “midwit”

Tom Woods gave a great talk recently at Mises University, wherein he explains the tragedy of the lockdowns. One thing he mentioned that I found fascinating is the phenomenon of the “midwit”, a term he says originated from Michael Malice.

The ‘midwit’ is smarter than a ‘dimwit’, but unable to think on their own, or hold any independently-arrived at opinion. Because of this, they become perfect receptacles and vectors for whatever propaganda is being pushed by the Political Class. You know these people, they’re everywhere. They have an uncanny, natural aptitude for learning all the correct opinions, even all the lingo and jargon, that are held by the powerful among the media, government, industry, and the medical professions. Once they’ve been programmed, these people spread this propaganda in the most effective of ways. They reproduce the propaganda perfectly in daily conversation, using the same lingo as the “experts” from whom they first heard it. And in the midst of COVID madness, the midwit truly shines. They began spreading lockdown propaganda immediately, parroting it on social media, and everywhere else they could. They spread the fear and paranoia, and did so with no critical reflection whatsoever. You’ve encountered these people. It’s impossible to talk to them, debate their opinions, or even attempt to change their minds. They are immune to alternative points of view, and of course they have self-programmed into reflexively labelling alternative opinions as “conspiracy theories”. They drive establishment narratives, and robotically attack any dissenting voices in swarms.  The ‘midwit’ is usually college-educated, and might even hold an upper middle class career. Looking closely, you can see that their entire lives are merely a reflection of the views and opinions of others, of establishment culture. Their lives are not their own, and neither are their opinions. They are capable of great destruction.

YouTube deletes Del Bigtree’s entire HighWire channel

It happened sometime today. The Pharma-Industrial Complex is using its vast influence to suppress any criticism of the official narrative regarding the official COVID narrative as well as any of its products. Del has consistently been one of the most persuasive and influential of those critics. Despite backing up everything he says with facts and research, contrary opinions must be censored, according to the tech giants, who are in turn owned by the giants of Pharma. No dissent must be permitted if their totalitarian vision is to be realized.