The self-inflicted apocalypse and libertarian doomsdayism

The funny thing about what is happening right now in the West: a self-inflicted economic collapse, widespread social unrest, the sudden rise of an unbelievable American authoritarianism, et cetera, is that many libertarians over the past 30 to 40 years have made their name peddling various impending apocalypse scenarios on par with what is happening now. The 80s and 90s saw many libertarians warning of social collapse, urging listeners to stockpile gold and guns, and await the end of the world. What is so surreal about our present state is that it tops anything even the most hyperbolic of the Doomsdayers have said.

These people promoted visions of chip implants, the “mark of the Beast”, FEMA camps, “martial law”, and other totalitarian nightmares.

But the predictions of those libertarians never came to pass. Instead, the apocalypse arrived in a very different manner.  Fear, fanned by corporate news, government, and regulatory agencies, mutated into a deadly social contagion, and spread wildly through the population. Rather than reacting sanely and responsibly, State and local bureaucrats made emotional decisions regarding COVID-19, and taking the most reckless and dangerous actions imaginable.

What is so strange is that we have approached very close to the libertarian-envisioned apocalypse, but it’s genesis was almost purely psychological. We’ve lived through, and are still living through, a mass psychological event, a collective madness.

If anything, the great COVID hysteria of 2020 should make us understand how easily the modern world can unravel, based on the psychological state of the masses alone.

Tens of thousands protest COVID authoritarianism in Berlin

Check out that picture in this article from Politico. 17,000 maskless, freedom-loving Germans reject the stampede towards a totalitarian “New Normal”, demand a return to normal Normal. The rally was titled “The end of the pandemic—Day of Freedom”. The German Political Class, desperately trying to maintain their grasp on the Official Narrative currently collapsing into dust in their hands, ironically branded some of the protestors as “neo-Nazis”.


My prediction for how COVID vaccination will be carried out

RNA vaccines are notoriously dangerous and ineffective. Injuries abound. The manufacturers know this. So does Fauci and many others. They are plowing ahead full-speed regardless of that fact, however. Which means they know that many will be injured by a vaccine that will have no effect on COVID immunity. Every institution that has a financial interest in the new COVID vaccines have a vested interest in somehow masking the side-effects, or delaying the public realization that they are causing side-effects until they get paid.

So this is how I believe that COVID vaccination will be carried out: It will be made mandatory, and we will all receive it at the same time. There will be a window of two or three days where many thousands of COVID injectors will spread out throughout the country, armed with their millions of doses of the vaccine. We’ll take it, and within a week, thousands of injuries will be reported. By then it won’t matter: Pharma and every other white-collar thug will have received their payout.

When the vaccine begins paralyzing or causing brain damage in children, we will hear: “We couldn’t have known!” They’ll wash their hands of it. Soon after we won’t hear anything else about injuries or deaths, in the same way that images of flag-draped coffins stopped being aired on corporate news stations.

There will be many voices speaking for the injured though. But Pharma’s thugs have ready-made retorts: “It’s psychosomatic!” That was the go-to retort once Gardasil injuries began paralyzing and killing girls around the world.

We’ll later hear that the vaccination program was necessary, that the sacrifices were necessary.

For their scam to be successful, we have to all receive it at once. If New York’s citizens receive it first, and begin reporting horrific side effects, the jig will be up. Pharma will lose out on riches.  This is just my personal prediction.

The COVID vaccine will be the final Kool-Aid of the Doomsday cultists. After the “pulse”-style, all-at-once delivery, the collective head of the entire nation will clear, and there will finally be an accounting of all that has been sacrificed at the altar of hysteria.