Australia’s police state propaganda reaches 1984 levels

This is 1984-level, “friendly Big Brother” totalitarianism right here. Orwellian doesn’t even begin to describe it. This is like being gaslit by an evil stepmother who never breaks her friendly demeanor as she sucks out your soul. “It’s for your own good my dear!”

Dictatorships always need an external threat, whether real or imagined. In this case, the “threat” has perfect  characteristics: invisible, silent, existing everywhere and nowhere simultaneously.


Biden would impose national lockdown, mandatory masks once elected

“I would shut it down, I would listen to the scientists.”

This would mean another 50 million unemployed, food and home insecurity during the dead of winter, effectively inflicting a mortal wound to the US economy, and causing tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths. The professional class applauds this insanity, a policy that would usher in a true apocalypse for millions of the most vulnerable. How is it possible that anyone thinks this is something other than national suicide?

One example of why we should never blindly “trust the experts”

More often than not, they are the most deranged people in the room, as this person appears to be. These people should not be allowed anywhere near power or public policy decision-making. We are staring into a black future due precisely to the fact that people like this have been taken seriously over the past 6 months.

This is suicide-pact logic. This is the raving of a person who believes government should and could be safely transformed into some kind of leviathan Santa Claus, with no ill consequences whatsoever. It’s the raving of someone who has, her entire life, backpedaled into a belief that government should be God. It’s the pre-historic, tribal view of government and power. It has no place in our world.