Why will the Oklahoma Department of Health begin counting “probable” COVID cases, in addition to confirmed?

Why will the Oklahoma Department of Health begin counting “probable” COVID cases, in addition to confirmed?

An email was recently leaked from an Oklahoma regional director to county commissioners, giving them a heads up that COVID cases will soon spike, and not to be alarmed because the number will begin to include “probable” cases.

What is the point of including probable cases? Who decides who is included in the “probable” group?

The PCR tests being administered, with a 90% false positive rate, are worse than useless, and have fraudulently goosed the cases, creating a phony case-demic that state and local governments are using to base policy on. Including “probable” cases will do nothing except keep the phony COVID “pandemic” on life support for next few months, or least until the election.

If the tests are wrong almost all the time, we have to ask ourselves hard questions? How much of the death toll was ever even COVID? It will be impossible for many to admit that all this self-inflicted destruction was in vain, but we must admit it or we’ll never escape it. The inclusion of “probable” cases is just denialism. Society itself is unable to face the reality that the Great Pandemic was, for the most part, a complete farce.

Author: S. Smith