Oklahoma’s public schools are held captive to a color-coded COVID-19 alert system

The well-being and mental health of Oklahoma’s children are held in the balance as their schools are held captive to the Oklahoma COVID-19 Alert System. This system is what is consulted, much like the consultation of a fortune teller or magic conch shell, before making the decision to allow kids back in their schools. Well, Norman children have up to now been graced with in-person schooling for several weeks, but the Alert System has spoken, and children are forced back into virtual Hell for an undetermined period.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that every child will be excluded from the school campus. Children of teachers will be allowed to be physically present in the school building while completing “virtual” school. This blatant privilege means that teachers have zero incentive to advocate for the rest of the school district, whose parents, deprived of such privilege, must now scramble to make online schooling work.

This is an outrage and a scandal. The fact that teachers and their own children are allowed to remain in school means that no one actually believes COVID to be any actual threat at all.

And so this is what we’re sacrificing our kid’s childhoods to: a phony pandemic that has been seized on by powerful political forces to exploit in a parasitic manner, no matter the cost. Even if that includes the mental and physical well-being of our kids.